Chapter 17. Angel Unknowns

Sometimes you have to bend.

There are new phenomenon happening all the time. Statues are drinking milk. A cross of Christ is appearing in a window holographically so that in every small piece of it you always see a cross. Since May 1999 when the planets formed this alignment in the sky crosses have been appearing. The Cross signifies resurrection but before even a resurrection can occur there must be a resuscitation. One must be brought out of death, out of sleep, out of numbness.

The poisoned land
Some land had been poisoned, used for a tip and generally abused. The land has said ‘no thanks’ and it’s consciousness has left. Trees were planted none survived, over several years. I sent out ‘care’ and ‘kindness’ to it to help it wake. One day I felt the time was right. I began imaging a blue Christ cross in the air above the area. Later we planted trees and they all survived. Regeneration had occurred.
The body is like the land. For regeneration to occur in a part of it, first there has to be resuscitation, then there has to be resurrection. Many diseases have arisen out of abuse. We all have been abused. Neglect can be abuse. Denial will not achieve any results. The pathway that leads to health is:


To heal a part of the body from chronic disease, first there must be consciousness in the area. This is resuscitation. Then it must be released from death (or immortality as the case may be). This is resurrection. And then time given for regeneration. These are the 3 R’s.
At the corresponding times are the 3 stages of incarnating, coming onto Earth;


The soul aspect is achieving its purpose. Its focus, as all angels’, is Earth. The Earth is the Centre of the World of Purpose, of soul fulfilment. This is the Angel’s love.

Radionics Pattern. Place name of person or place, on the 12 concentric circles.

The point at which the land began to awaken could be described as ‘the quickening’. Everything has a quickening.

Once everything was part of the one. The quickening happened and it was, itself.        Angel Law

A child is in the womb growing, developing. At a certain point it begins moving. The mother can feel it kicking and butting, maybe swimming. This point is its quickening. In Aboriginal culture, supposedly when the first movements is detected, the elder is called and the child’s totem is determined by what animal may be around in the dreaming at that time.
When it comes close to birth, another quickening occurs. This initiates the birthing process. Nature has its own way and time. Sometimes we make complications. I asked the angel about this. He said ‘When the fruit is ripe it will fall. This is a natural law.’ When my brother’s daughter was born he buried the placenta and planted a tree over it. As the child grew the tree grew. This became her totem tree.
During our life we have different emergencies. There is a release from the past and welcoming into new life. The Angel of the Past meets the Angel of the Future. We can ask for it be easy and pain free and it will be.
Here is an example of where the future and the past were overlapping.

Story of Pam and her accident
I was doodling on my husband’s back. For some reason, instead of drawing a forest scene with animals or our cats...I’d drawn our car with a front end crash near a tree. Me dead in the car and my husband Dale standing alive next to the car and an angel flying overhead. There was also a strange denting on the back. I rubbed it out in horror.
The next day we were driving to my mum’s place, on a narrow tree-lined road. From over the first blind crest suddenly appears a white car going in reverse, six feet from my face. I slam on the brakes, with nowhere to go, and the inevitable ‘CRASH’ happens.

For an instant Dale says I looked dead, with no breathing and blood dribbling out ears, nose, mouth. Suddenly I shook myself together. There was NO BLOOD ANYMORE and I jumped out and yelled to the other driver ‘What do you think you were doing there?’
At death a similar quickening occurs. We are freed up from the body and begin our journey in the pure spirit realms.

Quickening is a gift and a grace. Thank the Angel of Quickening

Emergencies and Bleeding
Even the Blood can be quickened. Witness the phenomena of the stigmata, the spontaneous bleeding from hands and feet in the same manner as the Christ.

Story of Jesus, stop the bleeding
I read of a psychic surgeon in South America. When during the operation the patient was bleeding heavily he just said ‘Jesus, stop the bleeding’ and the bleeding stopped.
To know how to do this would be helpful in the following situation.

Story of lady bleeding to death after giving birth
A friend told me this story. A lady had just given birth. She was still having contractions and bleeding. The force and power in the contractions was throwing blood all over the walls and roof. They could not stop the bleeding or the contractions. Even blood transfusions could not stop it. She bled to death.
Sometimes the heart just feels like it needs to bleed, to let the compassion pour forth.

Story of leech, blood and tears of Terrania Creek and the two snakes
I was in the forest. I had been thinking about menstruation and how it was called the ‘curse’. I lay down on the ground. A tiny leech went up under my eyelash. I tried salt on it but I could not get it out. It got fatter and fatter as it filled with blood. I thought I should go to an ambulance and get help. As I was driving I looked in the mirror, tears of blood were streaming down my face. I stopped and the leech fell out. I looked on the road and two huge carpet snakes were entwined around each other mating. It was an awesome moment. This was the original symbol of the caduceus upon which modern medicine is based.

Call on the Angel of the Blood.

Accidents and Premonitions
Just prior to an epileptic fit a person begins seeing auras. This is a signal that a fit is nearby.

Quite often before an accident there is a signal, a feeling, a buzz that something is not quite right. There is an accident waiting to happen. The feeling may be only momentary and it may go on for weeks. This is a premonition and it may be that an earthquake is just around the corner or that the car needs repair. It is an intuition.

Story of bumper bar and voice
I heard a voice say, ‘Kick your car’. I kicked the wheel. It said, ‘No the bumper bar. I kicked it, not hard and it fell off. I had no trouble ever with it before. If I had driven down the street and it had fallen off there it would have made a mess. That was a timely warning.
It may be a time dislocation.

Tootie & the Lady who died in car accident
Something made Colleen stop at a particular spot on the road and she wondered what she was doing. The next day a close friend of hers died in a car accident at that very spot.
When I get the premonition feeling, I create a small accident and stub my toe, bang into a wall, drop a glass. You know it works if there is no pain (when you would expect pain) you give a startle or you get a sudden sense of clarity like the fog has lifted. The Angel is forewarning you.
Call on the Angel of Forewarning. Learn to sense the presence and respond to it. Angels are not just teaching you verbally. They have many methods to choose from. You must open to the method of your choice and develop that skill, then open to the next choice. And develop that.

An Angel a Day
Each angel has a day. To-day is the day to meet a new angel. Lucky you, luck is with you. Inquiries can be made each morning to determine which angel has your attention today. Then you can take its medicine and grow healthy day by day. This is rhythm. It is very valuable. To Dance with Angels is such bliss. To sing with angels is divine. To call in their spirit heavenly. Love is in the air everywhere!

The Primary Wound
We have lost our sense of initiation. Separation created a wound and the ritual wound was a way to honour that wound. The second world is waiting, and ritual will be needed to traverse the terrain that demands now we should stop. A gift must be offered to the gatekeeper. Sometimes we may never return lest we bleed to death pangs of heartache. There are families here, and there, and crossing is fraught with strangeness, both ways.
It must be a Living Spontaneous ritual. The four winds and the four pillars, being the four directions, and the four corners, will form the Diamond structure, and the Ruby structure respectively. The ghost-beings of the fragments will be called upon, and must bear tribute to what is to come.
We all have a wound. Denial does not destroy it. Denial destroys us. Opening to the possibilities of relief cleanses our soul, frees it for pathways yet they may be terror. Learn to love terror, but not be a terrorist.

Even the soul has its scars. These are gateways into the great unknown. Whether they are ‘accidental’ or purposely created by those who recognise the soul ‘times’, they remain a spark to ignite memory and evolution, soul evolution.
By looking into physical scars one goes beyond this life into the myriad destinies that await humanity and each moment becomes a choice that allows you alignment with the angel’s (and hence the creator’s) vision for life on earth. By breathing into the scars we can get a feeling for the heart evolution of love that is taking place. All worlds can decide.

Our soul rides on waves (lines) of time. Each aspect that is developing has a line from the past into the future. Each moment of the timeline is linked by the aspect. This gives us our sense of continuity in time and of personal history. It allows us to learn from our mistakes. Our mistakes may continue to exist in our consciousness until they come up and are attended to. Evolution comes from correction in our timelines, first on a personal basis, then on a planetary basis, even up to a universal basis. Sometimes our personal evolution, a small step for us, is also humanity’s evolution, a small step for humanity e.g walking on the moon. This may also be a small step for the angel’s evolution.

There are timelines going from the past to the future. This is what we identify with, as us. There are also timelines going from the future to the past. This carries the identity which is the angel part of us. It is on this line that some of us are allowed to view future events. This is called predicting. And most of us are allowed to have premonitions, warnings of imminent disasters.

The separation of the two timelines, past to future and future to past, allows us to have timelapses, timelocks and time warps. There are also times when we are prone to traumas. We try to bridge the gap and our energies will suddenly rocket. We have an emergency.
Our aim is to create simultaneous timelines on all aspects from the past into the future and the future into the past. These all are to become one. All transitions are to be smooth. We will live in joy and hope.

There are also timelines in our blood and secretions. These create the continuity of production of blood even down to the physical level. These also have past-future and future-past timelines. Our blood in the future will not be the same as our blood in the past. This is a key to reversing the aging processes. The blood coming from the future is more like the blood of angels and the blood coming from the past is thickened by our earth-bound family inherited history. It is not just soul blood as it has family blood. It must be freed from its restraints in order to know the joy of release such as in menstruation.

Dragon’s Blood, Signature

Cosmic Blood, Signature

A regent or throne is of the angel kingdom. It is the highest form an aspect angel (fragment) can take. He or she is sovereign. For example, an archangel is sovereign over the ‘helper’ angels, people who have passed over. Regents are kings and queens and all within their realm have the offer to obey.
A principle is a being who embodies a principle or rule or law. He or she controls how the law is given expression in the world. The being who gave the Ten Commandments to Moses would have been such a principle. They say ‘I am the Law.’

Fragments and brain and crown
The Monad has 144 fragments, and each has a regent (throne). Each fragment rules over an axis (sphere) within the body physical, and each regent corresponds to a part of the brain, all the 144 points forming a crown. This is the crown of the ‘crown and sceptre’; the sceptre referring to the sword which is used to delineate the body fragments, so that body awareness can take place.
The energetic interaction of the points on the crown, creates a diamond. This is what is referred to as the diamond self. The faces of the diamond have their correspondence within the physical, and operate there, not directly but by resonance. This is the origin of a form of healing called Chironic healing.

With the first breath send love to an imaginary point on the crown of the brain. Then with each following breath send energy & colour to the next point on the crown travelling anticlockwise if you are in the southern hemisphere, and clockwise within the northern hemisphere. This will begin to awaken the crown, and can be useful in many conditions originating within the brain physical. It is very pleasant to do.

Jesus and the Crown of Thorns

The crown of thorns played a part in releasing his fragments. These are the lights mentioned in the Book of Lights, an ancient manuscript for passing over, similar to the Tibetan Book of the Dead.

Dragon's Blood- signature
Cosmic Blood Signature

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