Chapter 18 Angels, Dreams, Trees

To be read out for children

I have many angel friends. I talk with them a lot. They are very humorous and have lots of interesting things to say. Yesterday they spoke about trees.
Have you ever wondered what a tree dreams? It just sits there all day, waves around a lot; the day comes, the night comes, summer comes, spring comes. It doesn’t change much. Just grows. My little friends say, ‘Have a look in their roots’. If you could just lift the tree out of the ground and have a look, you could see where the tree is dreaming. I have seen many roots all different shapes and sizes, all cluttered, some twisted and gnarled but often there are faces there, gnomish, sometimes they look like animals, wombats, possums. I’m sure the tree brings the dream into its roots and stores it there. Sometimes you can see this dream in the bark even.

Of course not much changes in a tree’s life. I mean it stays in the same place roughly, doesn’t walk around too much, certainly doesn’t watch television, so its dream probably doesn’t change much from day to day, and so can solidify in its roots. If there was a Dreamtime, then the tree is the most likely to reveal its secrets to you.

What does a tree show, and know about the history, and qualities of a place, the place where it stands? The tree may have been there a long time. It certainly has not moved for a long time. If it could speak what would it tell you about the past? And what would you ask? If only you could hear?
Many seasons have gone by. This shows in the tree’s rings. How many angels have come down through the tree to the Earth, and gone out of the Earth through the tree; used it as a gateway?

At the ‘place’ of the tree
Why did angels choose this place for the tree? What special qualities does this place have? What does it feel like here? What colour would this feeling be, and how would you sing this? This is the tree’s ‘place song’. How would it smell here? How would it change over time? Some trees are able to express place better than others. Some are more adapted to a place than others! We must learn to recognize these minute variations!
Now, how do we find out. Hug a tree. Move right up close, put your arms around it, embrace it (it won’t hurt you), put your ear to its bark and say, ‘Tree, tell me your dream, show me your secret’, then wait and trust. It is good if the tree lives nearby to you, then it can come into your dream and tell a story in your dreams.

The angels say they are a lot like trees; especially like Fig trees. ‘There is one of me here, and one of me there, and one there, all over the world. But each one of me is different’. That is the nature of angel consciousness. Your angel is, and knows the angel of many other people.

They also said that they are the starters of dreams. The angel touches you, perhaps with a wand, and its like the car starts up and off you go on a journey; the dream begins. At first you don’t know where you’re going, or why, or what wants to happen, then it gets clearer. Of course the windows may be dirty, and what you see or feel may seem scary, but all the while you are safe in the angel car, and then you get to your destination., awakening. You have to be a bit childlike to understand this, but I’m sure you can do it!

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