Chapter 14 Initiation and ascension


Say Goodbye to the Past. Embrace the Futures.

I heard a song called ‘Re-evolution’, by a group called ‘the Shamen’, which tells how our history, the events that we live in, are the shockwaves of a big bang, an explosion which occurs in the future, at the end of the world. This implies that parallel to our idea of a time-line going from the past to the future, is a time-line going from the future to the past. Just as there is past memory there is future memory, sometimes called prophecy or revelation or clairvoyance. And there are some people living in the backwards time. They are probably called backward. But definitely, almost without exception, they have fear of the future, and also fear of death. There are also some parts of us living in the backward, and this makes things a little, awkward.

Birth trauma and Death trauma
Just as each of us has a birth trauma, we also have a death trauma. This is a psychological nexus, our personal ‘big bang’ with many ramifications, and the shock waves of these are manifesting in our lives now. When I realised this I had a vision. I saw the pattern of my death. It opened up just like a chakra. I knew it was my death pattern, and that I had been working out its strands, weaving them as they came down to me, and this included working out the traumas still within me of deaths from so-called ‘past lives’. The uncleared trauma from these deaths is also present in my present death.

DNA Blueprint
This leads me to the realisation that at our conception, in the formation of our DNA, the blue-print for our life is created, and within this blueprint is our blueprint for our death, and it is existing within us now, and we can approach it and transform it, purify it. Our cultural belief systems are in a constant flux, and we create out of this a consensus reality that prefigures altered states of consciousness, pathways of a shaman.

My prayer is for the elimination of all trauma, both personal and planetary. Specifically for the elimination of the death trauma which has as its underlying theme, the belief in suffering and sacrifice, that in order to grow, suffering is involved, and that there is merit in overcoming pain. This arises out of a false view of the crucifixion of Christ. Now that we are in a new millennium, this is entitled to be rectified.

The death trauma has somehow led people to associate death and suffering, that death is the end result of suffering, but that is no more to be believed than that birth is the end result of suffering. I have heard of numerous instances where a healthy, happy person just sat down and left. It was time, and they did it. They are reported instances where they took their body with them, the Assumption of Mary being the most famous. This is the penultimate out-of- body experience.

There are people who have near death experiences, and somehow this was defined with reference to a trauma, an accident, or operation under anaesthetic where the heart stops, as if it is the heart that keeps us alive. I would like to rename this the NDTE, the near death trauma experience.

Many people have similar experiences of ‘enlightenment’ without trauma, as they approach the power that activates the ‘leaving’ process. This power is a being. Just as there is a being who activates the birthing process. And this being can only operate thoroughly to its potential when there is no belief in trauma involved. Otherwise complications will occur, epidurals may have to be given etc, etc.
This being I call a gatekeeper, but has been called by various names including ‘guardian of the threshold’.

When I was a teenager I realised there were no accidents. Seen in a wider context so-called ‘accidents’ are really manifestations of our growth stages and our resistances to change. But our belief in trauma defines that resistance, so that we are always associating change with trauma. But we are, constant change. We are loving, breathing, changing beings even down to the physical cell structure. There is not some dead skeleton down there that we shall someday become.

Unfortunately in our cellular memories, trauma and pain seem to leave charged impressions. These are the scars of our personality. And in effect they are self perpetuating. And not only that we have a tendency to recreate traumatic situations in order to heal the scars and release us from these impressions. Even on a dream level we do this.

There is a saying, ‘she was an accident just waiting to happen’. Often in cases of epilepsy just before a fit occurs the person reports that an auric glow appears around objects. There is a certain ‘feeling’ that occurs. I used to have this when I had a migraine. I also sometimes have a feeling that I am in an ‘accident-prone’ state. I can now recognise this state. And what I do, I make sure I have a ‘little accident’, I trip or bang my elbow and usually I ‘start’, feel a little shudder go through me and then I know I am OK.

As a teacher of children with difficulties I became aware that this feeling was also ‘around’ just before a broken arm or broken leg or bump on the head as the child approached the fragment which had been passed on to them from parents and was causing them difficulty to evolve. Some people will be very angry if I tell them there are no ‘accidents’. They have lost loved ones or been maimed for life and they might ask ‘why has God done this to me?’ Somewhere they have to look for the meaning in it. Everything is meaningful. So look for the wisdom there.

And I’d like to distinguish between accidents and abuse, both have associated trauma and both are arising out of ignorance, not-knowing. The elimination of trauma will also have to involve the elimination of abuse and the effects of abuse.

Q. This seems like an enormous task. The elimination  of trauma. What ‘priors’ indicate that this can be done?
The first one that springs to mind is of St Patrick, the green patron saint of Ireland. It may be a myth but he has been reputed to have driven all the serpents out of Ireland. These serpents were astral entities creating doubt and disfigurement. They existed within the people. I believe St Patrick can be evoked as an aid or as a role model to achieve this task and His love and energy are still present.

Raphael teaches me esoteric knowledge, magic of a kind. He told me about the 5 gates. The gate of conception, the gate of birth, the gate of death, the gate of liberation (49 days after death, the final release from this earth plane). He also mentioned in this context our fifth gate. This is our ascension initiation, gateway from the 3rd to 5th dimensional activity, our centrepiece. In the past it has been our primary wound, as wounds and sacrifices were always associated with initiation.
Gate of Conception Outer circle Gold, Inner circle Silver

Gate of Conception is associated with midnight and the north, the land of the midnight sun. The Gate of Birth is associated with the sunrise and the east. The Gate of Passover (Death) with sunset and the west. The Gate of Liberation with midnight and the south. The 5th Gate with the centre and midday.

Basic Ritual for Release of Trauma
Invoke the Christ (or the Goddess or Angel)

Dividing the space into the four directions, stand in the centre, begin with a corner, honour that corner, clear the space (by chanting Om for example) and allow yourself to receive the energy and gifts of that corner. Take time to feel and transform any negative ‘strands’ or ‘shafts’ or ‘streamers’ that appear. Elaborate your ritual as you see fit. (I’ve noticed that I do mine in bed in the mornings turning over on my back, on my front and on my two sides.)
Purpose      This allows us to become conscious of pending trauma, and to obviate it in time.

NOTE In the last age the darkness was present, we were heavy with trauma. When we begin doing this ritual the fear level may be high but if you persist and as time passes by, you will see the light creeping in and the day will be golden.
2nd Note One will need to be aware of the changes in the associated emotions and mental attitudes as the trauma is transfigured, and to find ways for the body to adjust quickly. For a baby this is easy, for a child harder, for an adult hardest. The body takes the longest to adapt to the new developments but it can be trained.

Q.      Tell us the functions of initiation in the Old Days?
The aim of initiation was release of the soul from the inherited body. The blocks of the body were released through the wound. This was also the original motivation behind blood sacrifice. It was a form of sympathetic magic. What was occurring outside was meant to symbolize what was happening inside. At some point reverence for life was lost. Later bloodletting continued on in ‘leech’ healing. Today it continues in the giving of blood to Blood Hospitals. Blood is still not able to be synthesised. It has magic components that are beyond chemistry. In Chinese medicine letting a drop of blood from certain points is effective to release fire that has become embedded in the blood and is pushing the blood out of its pathways e.g certain fevers. Modern children try to imitate initiations with body piercing and tattoos. There is no real spiritual connection involved in this. There may be tribal feelings in peer groups but these do not really reach a soul goal.

Q.      Tell us more about clearing the Death trauma?
Exercise: to clear past lives, breathe into the joints.
Consider the joints of the body physical one by one. Touch the joint, direct the consciousness to it, and then send the breath to it, breathing into the joint. This will clear any past issues, and release the higher bodies from the grip of the inherited body physical. This will help begin to clear the death trauma from your body.
If you begin to remember a death, let yourself go right through it, as a witness. Then observe the body at that time, after death, and release the nature of that death from that body, by viewing the body as being whole again, complete, without sickness or injury.
This will release it from your present body.

If the death was caused by a person, see who they are in this present life. Forgive them and release them from the bond that this trauma caused. Forgive yourself. This releases you. The greater the charge that is in a relationship the more likely that you are bonded in this way, and can so be released. You may have murdered someone in a past life. If so they will be strongly attracted back to you. Sometimes this goes through many lives. This is where the impulse to kill someone may come from. These are strange impulses that we all feel sometimes. This is the killer inside of us. We must accept it before it takes us over. We all have killer impulses that we must come to terms with.

The swords and daggers
There are in your etheric body, swords and daggers. These occurred from anger and jealousies; from old grudges; from past abandonments and from false hopes destroyed. Someone knifed you in the back. By scanning the body clairvoyantly, these can be located. One by one they can be taken out, and their wound healed. This will tend to the prevention of further wounding in the same ways, which tends to occur trying to bring them to consciousness. The old traumas are being released. The old patterns no longer repeat themselves.
You might find some old boots. Someone put the boot in.!!

The snakes and stringies
These, according to Raphael are located in the intestines, at least their beginning is. They are form-benders. They make the body physical go out of shape.
Snakes are more obvious in some women during menstruation. They create venom and killer desires. They are prevalent in teenagers, and released by using arsenic homeopathically. All sorts of poisons become very useful in homeopathic doses, to clear the fragmentations.
Stringies are made of phlegm. They come from vexation, and frustration of the Will. They may be pulled out, and they appear like balls of string. Various phantoms can attach themselves in this way. Both snakes and stringies are really obvious in horses, different temperaments creating the one, or the other.
They both are interfering in our peace, of life and give birth to interfering spirits, those who would betray us.

Clearing the remnants of illnesses of ancestors from the body.
How many times have you heard that someone died at the exact same age as a parent, of the same condition. Or suffered a life-threatening or dis-figuring illness at the same age. Or twins who are thousands of miles apart and die within hours of each other. The pattern has been sitting in the body, and they are vulnerable to it. What your parents died from, what your grandparents died from, you are vulnerable to. Recognise the pattern, send light to it. It will disperse. Find the belief system behind it, the wrong thought patterns. Your life will change.

Q.      How do I know if I am being affected by past lives?
If you are attracted to museums, or places of historical interest. If you have a yen to wear period costumes, even military garments. If you are attracted to music of a particular epoch. Of course it is useful to have a feeling for the flavour of a certain time. These flavours are spirits, atmosphere spirits that may wish to direct you towards gifts developed at that time and wanting to manifest in the present. They are Time–angels.

Ascended Masters
The Ascended Masters are masters who lead us back into ourselves. He or she would be one who could bridge our past body with our future body. That body that comes from the past, to the body or bodies coming from the future. There may have to be some upward or downward movement to accommodate this.
There is a group of the Ascended Masters that has to do with angels. This is called the Angel Command or more specifically the Ashtar Command.
along there were these small beings, like troll dolls, wearing red and green and white uniforms. I felt at ease here. I was walked around the space-craft. Then I was put into what was called the acceleration chamber. This was all of my own free will. I did not have conscious memory of what happened then. I can only imagine. The next day and for many days I was in shock, and Ashtar was often talking to me, though now I wish I had been more receptive. Mostly I was scared of him, though there was an urgency about him, and a benevolence. I often was having a vision of a beautiful Gold Rose This experience represented a turning point in my growth. It connected me into the angel consciousness. I am very grateful.

The Mass Ascension
There was a mass ascension. Or rather a mass extraction? The mass was inside of us, even physically. It was unconscious. It was a mass of accumulated trauma, negativity and social conditioning that had infected us with its grief and lust for lies. The aim of the ascension process was to just pop it out. This released large amounts of creative energy that had been locked into coma. This energy was like rocket fuel that sent us upward, and when we came down again, back again, we had a different potential, we were a catalyst for change. But we still lived and breathed in this world and had to deal with cash flow. Gold didn’t fall out of the sky or off the trees, or be in a pot, or at the foot of our bed in the morning. Golden light was all around us, and our ability to enjoy this life was enhanced. The love could flow more freely through our hearts and hands and our spirit was suffused with gladness and song.

Resurrection of the Dead
The dead rose up. This was not the dead people in the graves, the bony ones. This was the dead parts of us. Parts that died cause we believed in death. Our belief in death was someone’s belief that been passed on to us. We do die, but no one can say what really happens, because no one has returned, and if they did return they weren’t really dead.

The angel ascension process
There are 8 angels in the angel ascension process. They are worked with weekly. I had worked with the last. That night I was sleeping on a bench in the rainforest 11 kms from the nearest house. I dreamed that a space -craft had

Q. What is the relationship between sleeping, waking, dreaming, angel consciousness and ascension?
Angel consciousness involves the second attention. That is the awareness you have when you are watching a dream happening. Ascension is when this awareness is clarified.

My Ascension experience 17/8/93
Raphael had prepared me in many ways that I was not aware of. I just listened to what he had to say and followed the instructions. I had been dreaming about a carnival at my father’s house. I came out of the dream. Someone was standing next to me. He said ‘My name is Hosanna. You have been malformed and now we are going to re-form you.’ I felt myself lifting up from my bed. I came into a space-craft. As I walked come down. I was so scared, in my dream, that I tried to hide under the bed, and I fell off the bench as well. I lay there awake. I could still feel the terror. Then I thought that there really is a space-craft above me. I could hear the spinning noise and saw the spirits of animals racing past in terror. I settled a little, then thought ‘There is someone standing next to my bench bed.’ I did not wish to open my eyes. He said ‘My name is Nathaniel and I haven’t been to visit you for 28 years. When you wake I want you to remember just one thing, the maps to the exteriors. I am giving you much information (and I saw it come in) but just remember that. I am working with some of your friends’, and then he showed me them.
When I awoke I could not remember at first. My angel said it was ‘the maps to ecstasy’.
I learned later that during that night orange lights were seen in many places over a 2000km coastline and photographed. This was not an isolated visit. Later still I learned, and came to realize that Nathaniel appears in the Bible as mentor to Solomon. He is considered by some as the Archangel of Initiation and Mystery schools and sometimes called Phanuel. The maps to exteriors showed 26 new heart centres throughout the planet and also within our hearts. Totally new openings are to occur, and these are not old gates. The Old has gone. We must learn the steps for the New, tentative as we may be.

The ascension of the cow story
The cow is very sacred in India. In the western world it had become a factory animal until 2001 when in England millions of cows were put down due to ‘foot and mouth’ disease. At this time I was taking a group through the angel ascension process, a 12 week course. I was called upon to do acupuncture on a cow on a nearby property. This cow had ‘gone down’. This is what the farmers (called in Australia ‘cockies’) call this condition. It happens especially after birthing, the cow cannot get up off the ground. The ‘cockie’ attitude is, if it has been down for 3 days it won’t get up, so they shoot it, out of ‘mercy’, or ‘mercenary’. This is the story.

It had already been 10 days when I first came. The lady was providing feed for her, and water. There was some contention amongst the local males as to what to do. I said ‘This cow is down because its spirit has gone down’. I had a feeling maybe this cow is doing this NDE, angel ascension process too. After a few days I was convinced that it was. I said ‘this cow won’t get up until such and such a day’, that is how the process goes. It is called an angel ascension but the spirit must go down to find the lost soul parts.
We kept its muscles moving and relaxed, and bathed the abscesses that formed with salt water. The abscesses were the old releasing. On several occasions they tried to raise the cow using a truss and tractor, but to no avail.
During this time I had some beautiful insights into the soul nature of a cow. One day I could see the cosmic energy being drawn in through the horns, then being transformed in the cow into both milk and manure. In the manure, this energy is then able to enter into the Earth itself, and form soil. Here is Heaven, Earth and Cow in between. At this time I realized the significance of horns, and felt some horny energies such as sheep, goats, deer, elk, Manitou, even an ancient Celtic god, the one with branches in his hair. (Cernunnon)

Another day as we went down a grey crane zoomed past my ear and landed in the cow paddock. The crane is the totem bird of Gabriel. It was announcing that angel’s presence. Later when I was with the cow, it flew in a big circle around. It seemed like it was defining the sacredness of the area. There was such a reverence and awe in the air, yet simplicity too.
After 21 days the cow still had not risen. But it still had gleam in its eyes. By this time it had become a community affair. There was much talk about what to do. Some people were having very emotional responses. One man threatened to shoot her. His emotions were overpowering him.

My prediction had been for the 30th day, but she still did not get up. I was ready to give up. But the next day we saw that she had moved more than 20 metres in the night but it didn’t seem like she had dragged herself. I began needling her (acupuncture) but she butted me away as if to say ‘I don’t need you’. Then she stood up, very, very shaky at first. None of us dared to move or speak in case we might distract her. I was amazed. It was a rare moment, almost a miracle moment. She walked into the shade but she could only use 3 legs.

I could feel her spirit had returned from the centre of the Earth. What it had been doing there I did not yet know.
I said in 2 more weeks, as there were 2 more weeks to the NDE process, she would put her other leg down. All 4 would be on Earth.

Because of my association with the cow and with the Earth I was aware of a very strong energy which had returned with her which was just beneath the surface. I wondered how it would get to the surface. Then 9.11 happened and it hit the surface all over the world. This is what really happened on that day. External events reflect inner events. I said that more energy was coming and it needed a creative event to occur otherwise it would happen again. The very next day another plane crashed in New York. The headlines said ‘144 secs from take-off to disaster’. There was that 144 again indicating it was a monadic energy that had entered into Earth and returned. The Earth’s core was being transformed. This monad is called the ‘Blood Monad’. We will no longer be bound by the ties of blood. Later Paul Macartney performed a Freedom concert in NY and that was just the creative event that was needed.
In the meantime the lady farmer said that each time she goes to the cow it is so happy to see her it exudes a white fluid from her udder that is not milk. It just drips out1.

As a strange follow-up I noticed that on World Angel Day Oct 7th 2001 a biodynamic farmer dug up 7500 cowhorns (previously buried there). This was the original number of people who were recorded as missing after that catastrophe. These horns were near to the place that is traditionally known as a place of lost souls. The cow horns can somehow pull in the cosmic energy into the substance in the horns where it is held. Being in the Earth it can absorb earthly energies as well. I wondered if they had pulled in the energies from the lost souls as well. These would now be spread over the land itself, invigorating it.
Two years later The cow gave birth to a beautiful calf. She has a good supply of milk, and one local lady, who has been drinking it, says her long term digestive conditions have cleared up. Perhaps it is miracle milk. The lady farmer said that what she had learned the most in this whole episode was the significance of sacrifice. ‘The animals have sacrificed themselves for us and in turn we can serve them’.
Interestingly they wanted to call the calf ‘Violet’ which is the name of the Monad that is coming in this year (2003). It heals the abandoned and the forsaken.

To achieve the Liberation, begin by familiarizing yourself with the angels.

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