Chapter 13 Angels and Dolphins

Is a dolphin happier when it rains?
Zen Master, Raphael

A person has a Spirit Body. If they don’t know it, they will not be able to know that a dolphin also has a Spirit Body, or to feel the connection between the two.
Husband says his wife’s tail starts wriggling when she sees a dolphin. She is joyous.
The angel also uses the Spirit Body of both dolphins and humans as it comes and goes.

My story of golden light
I was on a lonely isolated beach overlooking the ocean. Many dolphins were there, jumping one here, one there, one over there. I heard a voice say ‘take a step backwards’. I wondered where it came from. I thought ‘it can’t do any harm, I’ll see what happens.’ I took a step backwards and all the dolphins jumped at once. The beach filled up with Golden Light. I was flabbergasted. ‘What happened there?’ I think the dolphins were doing their experiments in communicating with humans, and had just taken a monumental step.
There is a lot of sounding from dolphins, non-voice level sonar activity that some dogs and, some humans can pick up on. All the little clicks that a dolphin makes has not yet been translated into a language. There is a lot of fun. This can be valuable for autistic children.

The dolphin shows me how to send angel energy - trickster
I dreamed about a dolphin often. I thought this must be my dolphin spirit guide. I called him ‘trickster’. Once I was at the beach as I was just about to go in I thought I saw dolphins. I felt, this is my ‘trickster’. I swam out underwater making little clicking sounds. I came up and the dolphin was coming in on a wave 6 feet away, looking right into my eyes. I felt very cherished. I looked to shore and people were standing up looking. They thought it was a shark. When I came in a man waited for me and told me three dolphins had been swimming in a circle around me. I lay on the beach. I could feel the connection very strongly. I asked how they could send dreams to me from the ocean as well as healing tones and colours. They showed me and I often use that technique to send healing energy to people who are very distant. It is very beautiful and works.

The place where there is a big overlap is with the celestial harmonies. This is where both angels and dolphins would be excelling together.

What do dolphins know about fire? ...Zen Master, Raphael

Story of seeing pictures in the air blow
We canoed around an island. I had taken some larkspur flowers to give to the dolphins if we saw them, which we didn’t, but I knew they were there somewhere. Dolphins do not have a sense of place as we do. Their consciousness is not in one place. It is more oceanic.
In the evening I began dolphin dreaming. I saw the dolphins and as they breathed through their blowholes their thoughts were in the air, in the pictures and colours that were created in the water mists. This was lovely to watch
Use larkspur flower essence, which is part of the delphinium family, to tune in to the dolphins. The little pink, white and mauve flowers look like dolphins.

Story of dying of dolphin
I was nearby a beach. All day I was having beautiful and powerful visions of the bay, which I could not actually see. This went on for hours. It was so strong I was not able to move much. Later I walked on the beach and found the body of a dolphin washed up. I had been seeing and feeling the dolphin’s ascension. It was sad and awesome at the same time. I felt privileged.

Story of dolphin moving and girl who wanted to pat it
I had wanted to tune in to the angels of the dolphin, to do their dance. One morning walking by the river a dolphin came. She was moving against the current. As she did she began doing many dolphin ‘motions’. She was showing off her skills. I watched for half an hour. I even went into the water where I was just metres from her. A young girl came by. She asked me if she could pat my dolphin. It was very touching.
Later we did some of the dolphin dances. We could not stop laughing. I realized why dolphins were so joyous. They could not help it.

I had been practising swimming like a dolphin. I saw one in the ocean. I jumped in and began my ‘dolphin swimming’. I looked up and saw the dolphin copying me. He was laughing his head off. He said ‘You’re a shark’. I walked out of the water very disconcerted. ‘What did he mean ‘I’m a shark’.? Did I really hear that?’ I thought about this for 6 months and it changed my whole attitude towards sharks. I was just like a shark because I go around transforming people’s lives, just like the shark transforms the ocean by eating up all the garbage in it.

‘the weirdo’
I was doing some yoga by the river at night when I heard a splash. It was a dolphin. It said to me, ‘It is OK to be weird’. Later my brother was teasing me and asked what the dolphin had to say. ‘It’s OK to be weird’. He said ‘Pretty weird talking to a dolphin’.
We all have weird stories that we can share. We all have our own personal X- files. We all have been touched in some way by an angel.

Dolphin and Angel
Raphael says ‘look there’ and dolphin appears.
One day I was on a headland. Some trees obstructed the full view of the ocean. Raphael said ‘Look there’, as he often does and mostly I can hardly see what he is talking about. So I was looking at this small area of ocean between the leaves, and a dolphin appeared. Put his head up. Then another one put his head up in the same place, then another and another. I thought what is going on, dolphins are always travelling, never staying in the one place. So I went to have a better look. All the dolphins were staying in one place, exactly where Raphael had said to look. The ocean was really big and they were right in this place. If Raphael didn’t set that up I don’t know what to say.

Horses, Dolphins and Angels
According to R. Steiner both horses and dolphins have a common ancestor. Or more accurately cetaceans and herbivores have a common ancestor. You only have to witness the large horn of the Narwhal and compare it to a Unicorn’s horn to see some reality in the myth. Here is a spiral tale.
The unicorn is always white and its horn stands for a pure conception, the spiral being the pathway onto Earth that the spirit takes. And do not forget Pegasus, the winged horse. His ears have turned to little wings like Hermes has. Donkey’s ears are even more like angel’s wings.
A horse has such spirit. ‘It’s a big heart on legs’. A dolphin has such joy. It is like ‘happiness’ swimming. Training them requires courage and wisdom.

Can a dolphin swim backwards? Can an angel fly backwards?...Zen Master, Raphael

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