In the lap of the gods.

To most people angels are aliens. They don’t know them at all, wouldn’t even recognise them on a bright day, let alone a dark night.
Not only that, we are aliens to ourselves. Before we were born, we don’t know where we came from or what we looked like, and when we die, when we leave this Earth, we don’t really know where we are going to go, or what we would look like.

What if, before we came to this world there were two parts of us. One came here, and that is what we identify with, and the other stayed ‘somewhere’. What would it look like? an alien maybe? What if we were to start identifying with IT and not with this familiar you, how would we feel, what would we be doing? Trying to make contact???

Now imagine that this other you was the same for many different people, that it sent many different yous to Earth. They are your brothers, your sisters in Spirit, and together they have a Mother-ship. And the flying saucers could be your light bodies, parts of yourself that have not taken existence yet, that you are evolving towards, the future yous. Isn’t that better than the dream you had planned for yourself? Isn’t that better than alien invasions?

I have sympathy and compassion for alien abductees but I have never heard of anyone being abducted by an angel, except wishing.

What changes would we have to make? Inside of all of us somewhere, there is a longing, a longing to be made whole again, a longing to be golden. Most of us don’t like to feel it; it’s too much or it ‘voids life’, ‘we’ve just got to get on with life’ attitude. But death WILL come. How can we be prepared for that, that vast jump? The immortal plays with the mortal, the gods play in their fields, this human panorama unfolds, and we learn.

Do we know how terrified we are of our angel? What if a whole host of angels came to Earth? Would we want to sell them things! Bring in the air force! Tell them we’ve already seen the movie! How do we overcome this fear? First, we feel it.

Do we know how our fear changes what we see? Would it be enough to make an angel look like an alien? Can fear and conditioning distort our perception that much? Think about it! How about fear of abduction?

How do we repair the fabric of creation, the very stuff that allows us to link back in, that we may identify with something more, more than this finite self, this finite lifetime, that our actions are soul fulfilling, and still retain a sense of proportion?

Some of us have seen these ships with our own eyes. They were external to us but what if we looked within at them, with our inner vision, how would they appear?

What if we could consciously call them down to Earth and use that knowledge? How would we be, how could we change this world? If this has a resonance in you, if something rings true, change can happen. Even if we don’t know why.

The Spirit part of the DNA code is awakening. Have you had the experience of being one with the whole universe? I remember lying in a stream at night looking up at the stars. I felt one with everything. It is just a short step to believing that that star there, Sirius A is a part of me, is within me and that is why some people can experience what is happening there. By focusing on the
detail they can channel a Sirian, a spirit being from Sirius. You can too, by awakening that aspect of your cellular DNA. As a matter of fact. you can contact a being from any planet or star the same way. and it is our birthright to do so, in order to come into our full potential; our full DNA awakening.
The first time I saw my angel it was a being of fire, standing at the end of my bed. It then lay down with me and began to breathe within me. I thought it was a Vulcan, a being from behind the sun. I now know it was a Vulcan aspect of my angel, Raphael. Another friend, Kalina Rose channels the Andromedan aspect of Raphael. These are stepdowns from the full immortal measureless aspects of archangel Raphael. No mystery, no conspiracy, just not every day.

Who has the tools ?

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