Chapter 24 Angels in the City


Staying connected in the city
Angels can come to us at any time, day or night, asleep or awake. Angels are available. Are we available? Are we connected?
The Angel grid exists. The Earth grid exists. These we can tap into and be replenished. These also we must replenish. If we have any excess energy we can send it back into the Angel grid system. It can be a reservoir.
Similarly we can go to the reservoir. Send angel energy into the reservoir, let it flood out upon the city. This can be done. It is no mere fantasy.

Story at Bellingen reservoir
I slept on a hill by a big water tank that supplied water to the town. When I awoke the angel (Raphael) said to me, clearly in words, ‘Put your hand on the tank’. So I put my hand on the tank, interested to find out what may happen. Energy started coming through my hands entering into the water. It was coloured and it was soft. I could feel it filling in to the tank. I knew that water had a memory and knew that this water could carry in its memory this angel energy.
It was market day and later a friend came up to me. He was tall and muscular but he was moving his arms like angel’s wings. He said, ‘Its very mellow here today, isn’t it.’ I thought of all the water the people had been drinking and getting angel- fied through it. It was a mellow day and many were nurtured. Maybe it was only imagination, maybe not but it felt good and no harm was done.

Deb’s story of angel essence and flood
Deb reminded me of my first angel workshop where we made angel essences. I said that you could put them on the land to help the land. They had the idea to put it in the river. So they went to 5 nearby rivers and angel-fied them. A few days later they all flooded and her and her friends were all flooded in. It was a good time to take stock.
The angel energy can be sent into the power circuits, travelling through all the electricity lines. This is not mere fantasy either. Angel energy is soft but angel energy can travel and open hearts to mellowness.

Story of angels at tip, walking in white circle
In our town the tip was near the lookout. I would often go to the lookout to attune to the town angel. I went walking and noticed that I was at the tip and walking in a circle. I felt visually that it was a white circle. I walked the white circle round and round. Not many days afterward a big fire raged through the tip, toxic smoke spreading everywhere. They decided it was a health hazard and closed the tip. Later they reopened it as a recycling unit. Later I found out that in High magic a white circle signifies protection and clarity. In the walking of the circle I was beginning the spin of the earth chakra at that place and the process of resuscitation, resurrection and regeneration could begin.

I often go to places now and walk in a circle. I am exercising and I am calling forth the earth angels. This is an earth ascension process. This is love to the earth, and gratitude is returned.

What goes to the tip is all our junk, all the stuff we disown. We say ‘This is not ours’. The tip contains what the city disowns. The city is everybody who lives in the city. The tip contains what you disown.
Each single part of it needs to be reclaimed, owned. We need to be able to say ‘This is mine, I am that.’ Then see the city transform before your very eyes.

Susie’s story
I lived in Malaysia. It was a concrete jungle. I yearned for
the washing out, I look at the grass and just stop, lay down, kiss the grass and just feel pure gratitude for the gift of grass and dirt. It is so precious. This is the love of the farmer for his land, from where all our food comes, originally before it is processed, before the supermarket.

Angel consciousness in the city

Q. A group of us were gathered together, we saw a grey plasma cloud lift off the city?
Each city is weighed down by its history. As a being in itself, just like any other, its timelines need to be evolved. Your group had taken part in some of that happening. Continue the Good Work.

Q. I would be seeing as in a vision a certain place in my home city and dreaming about it. I met a lady who told me she had seen an angel at that very place as big as three telepoles. She brought a painting she had done of it. It looked like an older version of me holding a book?
This is the you, that you will become. It is your soul ancestry. It is your soul gifts. You are attuning to yourself through the Spirit of that place. Angel consciousness is developing. Where it is called, it goes, in all Truth.

Imagine golden light pouring down upon the city. Now imagine a place that you know. Begin sending coloured light to that place. Watch it raining down bringing love and clarity. If you have a little bit of terrorist in you, imagine bombing the dark places with coloured light. Choose your colour. Have a war of colour with your friends. War till you drop. Use up your fighting spirit to change the city. Light will come creeping in. Changes will begin.

Clearing the City ‘Curses’ and allowing the areas to evolve
The ‘curses’ I am talking about are heavy unevolved and unacknowledged energies that pull us down. 

Menstruation was once called ‘the      Curse’ .
Use the radionics diagram, the Sunburst from Chapter 11. I suggest you be outside the city limits to do this. Begin by placing an area of the oldest part of the city on the Sunburst. Wait till you see a sign that there has been change, up to a month. Read the chapter on angels and disasters to make sure there will be no casualties. Then expand out to the next city region. Be sure to include the area beneath the city including sewerage systems. Here negative energies can accumulate. This clearing will make a more suitable environment for personal health and evolution. Sometimes the city just gets us down. This does not have to be.

Newcastle Clearing story
I used 2 areas at the limits of the old city and the underground where there are many mineshafts. After 3 weeks someone accidentally cut an electrical cable near one of the areas. This blacked out 20,000 houses in the city, from the centre to the first area, for 9 hours. There were no casualties, except lots of frozen food. My poor sister was there at the time. She always gets caught up when the ‘big’ changes are happening, including the earthquake of ‘86... The electrical system had been holding down the ‘curse’, and now it was released.

Blackouts around the world
During the following year there were unexplained blackouts all over the world beginning in the USA (15million houses blacked out), London, (half the city), Sweden, all of Italy, Sydney and Perth. During blackouts a sense of holiday and community occurs as people come together and talk. The people in cities get to see the stars for a change. They realize that there is no boogieman out there who is going to scare them if the lights go out. They become aware of what they had taken for granted, and also what they sacrifice in order to have it. The wheels of civilisation grind to a halt and everything is OK just the same.

What I had to wonder was if some kind of acupuncture effect was operating that began with my tiny ‘curse’ removing from the previous story. This leads more to the possibility that the Earth itself may have been carrying a curse of sorts from Millennia past and gradually it is being lifted.

The CitySpirit and the CityScapes
Each city has an angel. It is an Intelligence that tries to bring harmony to the hearts of the inhabitants and prepare them for love in their lives. With angel eyes it can be seen above the city. I call it CitySpirit. This spirit can be worked with using patterns (or signatures) which I am calling cityscapes. Just as the angel patterns are creating the landscape features and landscape temples so they can be invoked (imaged) to create Cityscape templates. The people or places who are involved with this work are called the CityScape Keepers and they form the CityScape Keepers Guild. They are anchors for the current pattern that the CitySpirit is bringing down. The value of this is that the benign forces that are allowing us to breathe safely are being acknowledged and the central intelligence of spirit can then begin to operate in the various day-to-day levels such as town planning.
The city itself can then ‘breathe’ freely. These goals can be aimed for and achieved.

Story of London and the Earth Stars
In his book ‘Earth Stars’, Chris Street explains the discovery that the city of London is built on an ancient pattern laid out upon the earth that reflects the stars at night. The places of this pattern can still be visited and form an interesting pilgrimage. Canberra, in Australia is another ‘planned’ city.

Story of Olympic Games Sydney 2000
In 1997 Archangel Raphael told me to prepare a ‘Dome of Light’ over Sydney in preparation for the Olympic Games three years later. The aim of the dome was psychic protection, in view of previous terrorism acts at Games. I called for volunteers to help me. This at first seemed a vague idea and quite beyond me, but I trusted. We were to go to 26 sites throughout the ity and create anchor points for the dome. It was to include a section in the ocean to be anchored by dolphins.
The first place was St Stephens Church and cemetery in Newtown (Aca 1826). We danced in an angel. This is when I noticed that the old giant fig trees formed a network of their own. They communicated to each other across miles via birds.
The next significant event, which made me realize that this was all working was the giant Angel’s wing that appeared in the clouds over the Olympic site. (The stadium had not yet been built.) This story is in the section on Angel Clouds, Chapter1.
I would go to Sydney each 6 weeks. I would go to equestrian centers to do my job. I noticed a pattern forming. Each time I would go to the city, within a week there was a major weather anomaly; lightning storms of 1600 strikes in colour per hour, hailstones large as tennis balls, power cuts everywhere. The weather bureau was at a loss. In one newspaper it even suggested that someone was doing it.
When the Dome was eventually formed it turned out that the horses and equestrian centers were the anchors for the dome which was about 30 kilometers across.

I did not know how it was happening or if it was working but I went along doing my part. Several months before the games were to begin some friends went to Glen Helen mountain near Uluru, with the intention of activating it. On the same day I saw that the Dome of Light began shimmering with scintillating rainbow colours. I knew that it had been ‘switched on’.

On the night of the Opening ceremony when I switched on the radio the commentator said ‘This is Raphael Epstein reporting live from Olympic stadium. The spirit here is really strong.’ I sat in my car unable to move for the full period and watched as wave after wave of Wandjina (ancient aboriginal spirits) came rushing by, heading towards the city. The power was phenomenal. One billion people watched this ceremony and were moved deeply. I find it interesting that the chief organizer for this event on the physical level, was also in my class all through high school.

During the Games I ventured into the city, normally a scary place for me. The feeling was so different, so open and happy. The Times newspaper in London called it ‘enchanted’.
Three years later 60 fires broke out in one day in a ring around Sydney. Then I knew that the dome had finally been dismantled. The next stage of the city’s spiritual growth was to begin.

Yantra (Buddhist consciousness)

These stories are from Tamayra
One time a group of about twenty-two us ‘Angel Helpers’ were in the City of London. We decided that we would use St Paul’s Cathedral as a focal point to tune into the Angel of London and ask if we could be of assistance in clearing negativity from the city. However we didn’t allow for the fact that at that time of the afternoon St Paul’s was full to the brim with overseas tourists. It was noisy and crowded. Oh dear, what to do, our group so needed to sit quietly in silence for a few minutes, tune into the Angel and offer assistance, then send out our prayers and visualisations as needed.

Suddenly just as we reached the transept of the great Cathedral under it’s huge domed roof, a voice came over the loud speaker. ‘We request, at this time each day’ It was 3pm. ‘That you all take a seat and sit quietly in order that we may have five minutes of silent prayer for peace’. Everyone stopped milling around and a beautiful hush descended on this sacred spot. The Angel had sorted it all out for us!!

Another day I had gone with a friend, another Angel Helper to a church near the BBC building in London. A church that I had often passed and had noticed seemed to be a collection point for blocked energies of communication.
We both sat inside the church. It felt very heavy. I turned to my friend and said ‘I think we need some special help here!’ I had hardly finished speaking when the organ burst into sound. It was time for the organists daily practice! The organ music really helped in the clearing.
Did the Angels arrange that too?

Once in New York I was seeking The Nicholas Roerich Museum. Nicholas was a wonderful painter and spiritual teacher and I was longing to see his pictures for real and maybe use them as an Angelic link to the city of New York. But although I was with a friend who lived in New York, we got hopelessly lost. Then we saw a ‘Recovery Centre’. These are places in the City, that I am sure are overshadowed by the Angels, where folk can go who are in recovery. Let’s face it we are all in recovery from something. Even being born! Coffee, tea and uplifting books and a friendly ear are always available. So we went in and met a very helpful lady and explained our plight. ‘Oh yes’ she said ‘I pass the Museum on my way home. ‘I’m just leaving so         I’ ll      walk     you      there’ . So        she       did.

I returned several times to meditate with the amazing paintings. It also turned out she was living in the apartment building where Nicholas Roerich once lived. So I went home and had tea with her too. She gave me lots of insights into his life along with much inspiration and became a friend. Angels are also tour guides!

Remember that in working with angels it is only 1% you and the rest the angels. You are just a focal point; an anchor on Earth, but it is your willingness and openness to take part that creates the challenge. You are so loved. You cannot make up the experience. If you try you will feel empty. There will be no magic, no sweetness. This becomes the desert.

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