Chapter 20 Angels in the suburbs

When a kookaburra laughs the spirits (angels) are coming.

The Earth, Health and Healing

In the suburbs it is easy to lose touch with the land. Building is going on, but each house occupies a space, and the land it is on is part of the Earth itself. As each cell is an intrinsic part of the organism, so each parcel of land is interconnected to all other parcels, be it awake or asleep. I have a saying, “We are owned by the Earth. We do not own the Earth. If you do not believe this, try leaving.”
In the hustle and bustle of day to day life, we may think there is no time for angel contact except in some few peaceful, quiet moments we may have, say before we are sleeping or awakening. But even a warrior must listen constantly to his / her intuition and inspiration. In each choice of action or new direction, we need to have a direct guidance, and our priorities in purpose must be clear and expressed. Without that assurance there remains doubt, and that IS an enemy no-one wishes to sleep with.
My interest is in creating a healthy community in which the lives of our children can flourish, and joy be ever present. Nature must be present, angels must be present, spirit must be present. I am offering some suggestions on how to rekindle that flame, and allow trust to return to the suburbs.
It is a crime that children can grow up without joy, and without an appreciation of the preciousness and potentiality of life. It is a crime that children can learn, even from each other that there are no fairies, and there are no angels, and there is no Santa Claus spirit. It is a sickness that an adult would say, “I don’t see any angels, therefore there are none, and you can’t see them either”. It is also a sickness that says, “I believe and that’s it”.

Some suggestions:
1) Re-awaken your land from the comatose condition it is now living in. My technique is to visualise a blue cross of Christ above the land. This is a signature for awakening, it may take several months to a year.

2) Re-dedicate your land to the spirit of the Earth. Begin just by intending, say “I dedicate this land to Earth”. Make up your own ritual. Be creative.

3) Plant a native tree or a rose bush with the dedication that it be part of the interweaving from sacred land to sacred land. Remember, sacred is the positive of scared.

4) Give recognition to the angel, and the breath that is bringing life into your house and household. Give your house-angel a name. You have to begin somewhere.

5) Go to local parks, reserves, cemeteries with the intention to awaken and maintain their sacred spirituality and their connection to other parks. Parks are places of rest and respite, love and use them well. The Earth is a living being with invisible underground life flows and intelligence. Become aware of it and learn how to work with it. This will bring you closer to yourself.

6) Send love to your neighbours, even if you don’t wish to know them. Remember, they too are being true to their hearts within the bounds of their wounds. We could be a mighty family, Earth-as-One family.

7) Invoke the angel called ‘the Lift’ for spiritual upliftment, especially to lift dark clouds of negativity and stagnation that hang over most suburbs and cities, and create an atmosphere of gloom, especially for angels. Ask this angel to clear it, or do the dance of this angel. It is very powerful and you’ll be surprised.

8) Places have memory, and when you move through them you are linked in to that memory. If a car accident has occurred at a place, more are likely to occur there, and if someone has died somewhere, others are attracted to die there.

This is especially evident in Aboriginal atrocities as Aborigines are so closely linked to the land. These energies need to be addressed and reconsecrated by some ritual e.g. fire ceremony.

9) I honour the fig tree, the crow and the dolphin as carriers of angel consciousness. Fig trees have an ancient consciousness, they are old beings, almost as old as rocks, and communicate with each other, at least via birds and insects. I can feel they communicate telepathically. Crows are great gossips, I could tell you a story or two, also for the dolphins.

10) I call for all churches and schools to be re-dedicated to their patron saint e.g. Saint Andrew’s, and the land on which they are placed to be made sacred and consecrated accordingly. There are many churches of all different religions, but the land of all of them belongs to the One-Earth, a living organism. These are cells of it and when awakened they communicate. I believe the traditional owners of the churches would benefit the community by having an awareness of this, and to dialogue with each other. Here is an opportunity for enhancing spiritual atmosphere within communities. This brings health.

11) The saints themselves need to be honoured in a much more dynamic way. They are powerful, living presences that need to be welcomed and communicated with. The churches themselves should radiate these energies throughout the community, not confining them within their walls, closed.

12) Imagine your street as a river of coloured light. This is consciousness. Send it love. Choose a part of it that you will regularly clean of trash, both physical and psychic. You are its keeper. See how much respect it will be given.

13) Imagine your local creek or river filled with bliss, no matter how much pollution is in it. By this method it has been proven that the water will become drinkable. The lack of love pollutes the river more than the pollution!!!!

14) Remember, it only takes one. You. Angel saying: Think angel globally, act angel locally.

The number of black cockatoos that fly past is the number of gifts the angels are bringing.

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