Chapter3 Angel Sensations

poem; essence of magnolia

In the Arms of an Angel

*  Daniella is Italian and a journalist. When she needs help or wants something, she feels the angel come from behind her, and wrap its wings around her. She feels a soft warm feeling around her arms. She has noticed it in the last two years or so that in one day, or one week, or one month what she wants will come to her. Her grandfather, who has passed over, is always looking after her also.

*  K.J. was doing my angel process. Because it’s so simple and the results are right there in your face, she wondered how real it was. I saw her visibly change, and a relaxed look came over her. She said she felt the angel put its hands on her shoulders, and a deep healing took place.

* Chris worked in a psychiatric unit with psychotic patients. She said they all see and talk to angels; meaning, this is normal in the state of a disturbed, deranged personality. She asked me why she feels a friend, who is passed over is around her, yet his own wife never feels him. I taught her to talk to him. She also wondered if it was real. She felt the hands of reassurance on her shoulders, and she cried and could not speak for a while. This was very moving.

Kissed by an angel
poem from Marion Myers
As I lay sleeping in my bed, I thought I was dreaming. 
The soft swirl of a summer’s breeze floated in through the bedroom window.
 Was there someone sitting next to me or was it a figment of my imagination.
I tried to wake up but to no avail, my senses were trying to say to me-
 Don’t wake or the moment will be lost. 
I felt that I was between sleeping and waking. 
But knowing that I was not alone. 
Who is it, who or what could it be? 
This feeling of a complete and utter loving presence had filled the room. 
Along with the soft swirl of a summer’s breeze,
 A shaft of light was glowing in my room.
 And then I felt the embrace of my guardian angel.
 What a heavenly blissful feeling.

In my CD ‘Meet Your Angel’, after meeting and talking with the angel, you work with angel touch. In this you get out of the way, do nothing and let the angel do it. To do healing on yourself, you just put your hand in that place on your body, very softly like a feather, and you do nothing. You can feel the warmth coming in. It’s beautiful, simple. Put your hand on your heart the same way. You feel your heart responding. Or put your hand on others to heal them. It is very different from Reiki or Spiritual Healing. The angel is working through you. You are just a focal point for them.

I felt the angel touch me on my neck, physically. It was a reaching across worlds. The promise of what is to come, as the angel moves more and more into this world. I felt stunned, how could this be? And then the Goddess began singing to me. It was so sweet.
Life is Precious

When I am doing readings, I touch the person on the hand. The angel can work through my hand. A frequency is sent to them. Their mind stops thinking, and it is easier to learn to talk to the angels.

First touch
You will need to recognise the signal when the angel is first touching you, bringing contact.
This signal may be,
Hot and cold flushes
 Shivers up and down the spine
 Hairs (on arms) stand on end 
A vacant feeling 
Pins and needles in various places 
When I have soft tingling on the tip of my tongue, on my big toe, in my hands, moving in my spine, then I know the angel is operating.

Mikael is from Israel. She felt graced all day with the angel’s presence. Yet in the evening, something bad happened. She found she had to get a new car. The old one could not be re-registered. She has a hidden belief, that too much light will bring darkness. It’s true that love will bring up what is not like itself, only wishing to be transformed. I told her ‘Your car represents your body.’ Your body has changed. The subtle angel body has appeared. You can have an angel car to match it. And she got one several weeks later.

When grace comes everything just seems so easy, there’s no struggle. It is a gift. Ask for it every day. Learn to recognise when it comes, and be thankful. To live with angels is to live the life of ease.

A lady was giving birth. There was pain. A beautiful angel came, and the pain was gone. I had heard of hypnosis being used to remove pain at birth and wondered about the connection between hypnosis and angels.

Both come out of altered states. Hypnosis is a consciously induced altered state. You may be taken down into trance. Angels are always present, right here now. It amazes me how far away they seem. When you do the angel process you feel it immediately. If you try to go deep you won’t find it.
Hypnosis and Angels are polarity states. One shallow, one deep. Both can release us from pain at the appropriate moment.
Birth is a part of life. It reflects your view of life. Life is wondrous and exciting, to be embraced and navigated. Birth becomes easy and pain free as does dying, which is another transition.

Q.            What about other life transitions?
Angels are intimately involved with our growth processes. As we grow so do they. It is in their best interests for us to grow.
I say to the children, ‘Call on the angel before you go to bed, and the angel will come, and look after you while you are sleeping. Even in your bad dreams, the angel will be looking out for you.’
Even in our bad times the angel is there. Not creating them. Waiting for the opportunity to be allowed to make correction. There has been a dislocation in our spirit. We are on one track. They are on another. Sometimes it has to manifest physically, before we can change. Then we have a broken bone or a broken heart. A different future, to what we had expected, is calling us.

The obstacles to a smooth transition are usually trauma. Trauma creates shock and fragmentation. Duality comes into existence. Though some duality is necessary; such as when we are released from our bonding to our parents and begin our separate lives, heading towards our One.
Trauma if it is unresolved tends to recreate itself, both in time and place from generation to generation, and trauma builds on trauma, and drama builds on drama. A space for darkness occurs. Black holes come into existence. Black moods and depression occur. Volcanic releases may occur.
Ask your angel to show you a way to release the trauma. When a shock releases you will give a start. This is the startle reflex.

Q.            How do I heal the Black Hole?
Draw pictures of the black hole and colour them. Do movement exercises.


Q.            What exactly is shock?
Shock and grace are polarities. In one, you do everything with ease. In the other, it is so hard, sometimes even to move. This occurs in bi-polar disorder.
Shock is a splinter in your psyche, and grace wishes to take it out. A merging of fragments then, has to be allowed to occur. It is time.
Shocks may be hidden for years. They may not even be yours. You may have inherited them, or just agreed to them. Typically shock takes three days to be released, reflecting the three stages of coming into existence. The spirit fragment has been held in the angel world, and now it can return to Earth. It will always bring a gift. Ask for that gift. It is yours. When you have all the gifts you will be one with the angel.

Q.            Who creates accidents?
There are no accidents in this view, the angel view. There are easy changes, and there are forced changes. There are people whose way is to respond peacefully, and some whose way is more passionate. They will go out in glory.

Q.            And Near Death Experiences?
This is a more radical shift. That is why there is so much Light. Even the very cells are releasing light. They have been locked up in shock for so long.

Angel Ascension course – Simulating the NDE safely

Q.            Can this be done without trauma?
Yes. Raphael has given an 8 step process I have called Angel Ascension in which the gifts of the NDE occur without the trauma of a serious accident. This can only be done by contacting me personally at this stage.

Q.            What about coma?
The person cannot find a way to complete the journey with the angel. The fragment they are in may not even be theirs. Another person may intervene, and complete the journey for them. This evolves the fragment.

Q.            Why bother with release?
There is an urge towards completion. Oneness is calling. There is limited time. Great changes are at hand. We are part of it. Heaven is coming to Earth. What more could you want?

Learn to recognize & name the emotions and feelings that are going through you, and that are ‘around’.
Ann is a Reiki master. She describes some feelings and emotions. ‘I feel a major opening in my head, a huge rush of energy coming up and a feeling of overwhelming love. It is a very emotional experience. Tears are running from my eyes. It is like a major release. It is a beautiful feeling, pure love. Sometimes I feel touched. I see the angel energy in my field. Sometimes I feel massive up flows. The energy is uplifting. Sometimes I feel heavy. I am being grounded. I feel it in my feet and legs. I see pillars of light coming down and the signatures of light on them are gateways. The angels are grounding themselves through me into the world.
I may feel extremely energised. I am not tired. I can just keep going, and afterwards feel really tired.’

Author. Often when I feel ‘down’ I am just bringing angels down, anchoring them on Earth. I am an earth sign. In our men’s group after our ‘going down’ process one man said that he was very afraid. He thought he might have a heart attack if he went down.
I tend not to like to put a name to diseasement. It tends to make it more manifest. It is an energy blockage rather than a material disease. As an energy blockage, you have the power to transform it, or you can learn this. As a material blockage, then you have to go to see the doctor, and be under his or her power, which is necessary sometimes.
Angel energy is a form of energy, and so it can be useful in healing especially of children, pets and plants where the forms are not so dense. But know that in our hearts we are all children. We can all respond to fun and laughter. We can all respond to angels.

Sometimes resistance to angel energy can create disease. The suppression of energy movement leads to stagnation, and then when the release comes, it can be volcanic and painful, instead of like a fountain and empowering.

As males we feel threatened by soppy emotions. Even to say ‘I love you’ as an exercise can be very difficult. The fear of opening the heart is deep and contaminating. It seems better when the men band together and keep these ‘womanly’ feelings out.
As fathers we can feel threatened by angels. It has not been factored in. We have tried to create a safe reality for our family and children, but we have forgotten the angel’s protection. We have placed such a burden on ourselves, that we cannot even do our job. We may not even know what our job as fathers is. Here is a conundrum. We just copy our fathers without thought or hesitation. To fathers; factor in the angel and listen to the wisdom. It will turn out easy.

Sometimes we just feel that the angel is there. Angels are all around us.

I feel the presence of angels sometimes when I ‘call out’ for ‘help’ 
in my saddest, deepest, darkest times. P.

Story of horse called Angel - The presence was felt by both of us.
I was working on a horse. I felt the angel come. Just as I began to ask the horse’s name, the owner said her name is Angel. She had felt the presence too. Many times when I am working with horses I feel the angel come, like sunlight comes. These are solar angels.

A little girl told me,’ I know when angels are present. Everything goes really still.’

Story of Barbara’s dance, of the lights over town
Barbara did her angel process under the big fig tree. Later, the horse went very still and the dogs sat quietly. There was peace in the air. It was very nourishing. I rang my computer lady. She told me of the cloud over the town. It was like mist covering the sun and it wasn’t moving. I was awestruck. It made a rainbow around the sun and I looked behind it and could see all rainbow colours. This was a visitation. In the night-time there was a rainbow around the moon.

In Jennifer’s angelic experience, she was taken flying with Archangel Michael. The big wings were protecting her as they soared through the sky. Afterwards he said ’we won’t be doing this all the time’. But as she told me the story it was so vivid, she was reliving it, especially as she described the sensation of flying.

For many years the angels encouraged me to try to fly. I would walk along and dance, and try to get the feeling of lifting off. ‘If superman can do it, I can do it!’ What I was really learning was letting go, and enjoying the quality called suspense.

There is only one man in recorded history who is known to have flown. His name was St Francis of Coppollo who lived not far from St Francis of Assisi

He is reported to have risen into the air during church services, and scared the parishioners. He was something of an idiot-savant.

In angel consciousness we have no gravity. The angels are borne on the wings of the wind. Sometimes they carry us. We have flying dreams. This is where the idea came from, that a stork carries the baby in its basket into this world. We feel carried, and we want to be carried. In my childhood dream, I am lifted up by a great Eagle-like bird called a Roc. I feel safe, and the sense of flying is wonderful. The view is spectacular. He puts me in the nest with the other Roc eggs, and when they hatch they are my siblings. I am of the Roc clan.

We can use the following angel breathing technique to get a feeling for flying. It is also very relaxing for the shoulder blades.
Image the wings attached inside your shoulder blades. As you breathe in, image the shoulders going back, and as you breathe out, image the shoulders going forward. Now with each breath image the wings spread out behind, and as you breathe out image the wings coming round and out, in front of you, even to the tips touching to the opposite shoulder. Continue breathing. With each breathe image the colours, pink and green and crystal. You are remembering the angel’s breath. It is pretending, pre-tending.

Jenny reports having the experience of angels being close to her, and blowing into her face. ‘It was just like a puff. They did it when I asked questions as if to expel my doubts. Michael did it and my Goddesses, Crystalline and Celestine. Saschel is my Protection Angel. She rules over shells. She is often with me in colours of white pink and gold, Surprisingly I found a painting of Venus de Milo, where Venus is emerging from a shell, and above her are two angel-like figures, one is puffing the air out, and one has his cheeks puffed up with air, ready to expel it. This seems to depict the same experience.’
Life is Precious

I have had the experience of a beautiful coloured smoke emerging from my feet, and filling the room. It is very relaxing and seems to be a release of some kind. When people are smoking, this is what they expect they are doing. It is the same release, but not the same result.

The zephyrs are angel winds. They honour the four directions. When the breeze comes and goes, there may be angels coming and going, riding on the winds. This is very obvious in the angel dance. They are dancing in the wind. Love is in the air. The heart is breathing with this air, and angels are coming and going, communicating Life.

The kookaburras stories
The kookaburra’s laugh is very raucous. When the kookaburra laughs it is a Spirit’s Welcome. It means angels are coming. I had slept at a place called Never-Never Creek, at Angel Gabriel Cappararo reserve. When I awoke, I could hear a K. laughing in the distance. As I stretched, the laughter came closer and closer, and more K’s were joining in. Then they began laughing as if in circles, large circles , all around the valley, and laughing loud. Imagine all that loud kafuffle going on. I thought this is some Spirit coming this time. More like a Mothership (spacecraft). I started to get dizzy, and for most of the day was very dizzy, even throwing up. I had to lie on the ground quite a bit. Strangely enough on that very same day an extremely large crop circle was formed in England, on the other side of the world. It consisted of 409 separate circles. Did I have contact with the crop-circle makers? Or maybe it was the K’s who made them. On several other occasions, birds have sung in circles, coming closer and closer to me; sometimes outside my room. It is a beautiful feeling.

Story of Golden shafts of light

Something woke me up early. I watched as the Sun’s rays burst through a cloud. The Beams of Light rayed down, and formed into a Great Circle of golden light shining from the ocean. There was Majesty in the air. I felt they were the 144. Gradually, as time passed, the rays began to spread outward. They grew longer and longer, even reaching to the beach, where I stood. Soon I felt I was inside a column of golden light, imbued with the sheen of the different hues of gold. I was awestruck, and felt blessed at the same time. It was very comforting and tingly.

Story of Angel-Beams
I was in a country town. I watched similar beams of light coming from through the clouds. I almost could imagine angels, coming and going, up and down, each column of light. I felt that each was bringing an angel to someone; to someone special; their personal opportunity for angel intimacy. Several days later, a lady said to me ’I can’t believe it. Everybody I’ve massaged in the last few days, has seen an angel’. It is happening! Be open!!

This ‘angels in shafts of light‘ phenomena are called by the angels, the Angel Secretions. Angels are coming and secreting angel gifts into our energy fields secretly. We may just be aware of them. There are seven angel secretions in all. This forms a Bandwidth. We can then listen to Angel Audio.

C. lived in Canada. She said ‘The auroras had been red and green lights, dancing. All us kids went out tobogganing at 1:30 in the morning. Suddenly, for a brief instant the world lit up with the aurora of blue, turquoise green. This changed the whole energy. We all packed up and went home after that.’
Auroras arise from the Sun. They are carrying the energy of angels into the Earth sphere. They are signaling new angels arriving, or in some cases new aspects of old angels, such as Michael. Evolution is taking place.
The aurora’s dance is the angel’s dance, pulsing with the Earth’s pulse, powerful communication.

Traditionally according to Steiner there are
The angeloi 
The archangels 
And the archai (time lords)

This is the Order that Raphael gave me.
The aspect angels 
The archangels 
The great angels 
And the world angels

Great Angels
Examples; the angel of an earthquake or storm, the angel of a city or of a country. The Great Angels control the weather and affect the spiritual and emotional life of communities. For example, the angel would be there pulling people together and protecting them at the beginning of a town’s history. It would be operating significantly in its growth. These things are not haphazard. There is an order to them. These angels are involved with development of consciousness of large numbers of people. Perhaps the people wish to remain in darkness, that is their choice. The Great angels will still be protecting them, and the offer is there towards Light. The Earth may go through its growth surges but they will still protect us.

World angels
These are planetary, they involve the whole planet. They operate over large periods of time to bring harmony and unity into the diversification. They operate across language barriers and are intimately involved with the structure and development of the Earth itself. They enter at change of cycles when the spirit gates are open and give an impulse towards change.

The archangels can operate across all domains.
Each Archangel has three levels

Of course on each level they are operating right down into our very cells.

I lay in the river and looked up at the stars. I felt one with the universe. The universal form of the angel was lending me its body.

John saw a pink beam of light shoot out from the galactic centre. He was surrounded in a shaft of pink light. The angel said, ‘The earth child is returned’.
The galactic form is lending him its body. It is as big as the galaxy.

I saw the Earth surrounded in blue light. There was peace on Earth. I felt the presence of the Christ flowing in and out of the Earth’s core. The planetary form was lending me its body.

Get a feeling for this.
The Earth itself has an angelic structure. It is a living, breathing being. We live on something living. If it were a whale we would be shaking in trepidation.

Q.            Grace hugs a tree and feels a pulsing up and down the tree?
The Earth is the tree’s heart and it circulates its blood in the tree. It turns to wax when the tree is wounded. The cycles of the Earth then are in the tree’s rings. Sometimes there is more circulation, sometimes there is less circulation. Rhythms and cycles are intertwined.

The Angel-World is very tree-like and the Earth’s core is its Heart. The Love of the Earth by the angels is very strong. They are constantly in flux between the Earth’s core and the Universal core. We can feel them moving up and down through us, as the Universe breathes.
Here is the angel consciousness. Here is respect for the breath. Power and potential lie in the breath of living breathing forms such as us.

Kissed by an angel
Essence of Magnolia Poem; below:As I look around;

They danced with Joy,
little children,
around and around they went.

Lights were in the shining,
and the trees would grow so tall.

an angel, with a  gift , would carry me
the deep blue

I landed
in this harbour,
and i wonder

As i look around.

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