Chapter 1 Angel Seeing



To see an angel is poetry in motion. It touches us with a love that is out of this world. We are awake.


We need to let go of our ideas of how angels will appear. The way we see them in books is what we may expect, but our first glimpses may just be of a colour. It appears in our visual field. It may be pink or purple or green or yellow. Usually it is just one colour. It may be large or tiny. It may move fast or slow. It may be out of the corner of our eye or fill the whole room. Do you remember seeing such a thing?  It may have jumped out at you, or just melted into the background.

Q.             How do I know this is an angel?

Later I will show you how to talk with them, then you will know their message.

Some examples:

1.            When I am doing healing, at a certain point, colour will begin filling the room. Then I know the healing has worked.

2.            A Reiki master, while doing healing, saw a small golden orb of light, going in and out of a client’s heart and realised this was an angel. The client had had some heart trouble.

3.             P. is a chiropractor. He was diagnosed with a cancer under his arm. He just knew he had to go up on top of the mountain. His arms began upstretching upwards by themselves and a beautiful yellow-orange and then purple-blue light came in and filled him with joy. This was the Angel of the Blood. He knew he was healed. He now uses that same light and colour when working with his clients, and it makes it so much easier.   

What does this colour signify?

It is coming to you to give you colour. It brings the colour back into your life. In you is a flower. It is your spirit. Your angel wishes to bring it into the sunshine, and bloom in its full colours. There you will find warmth and the beginning of love. Accept it back and your heart will be radiant.

This is also why the rainbow is so wonderful. It is the bridge across which angels are walking between Heaven and Earth. This is not a fairy tale it is a spiritual reality.

Q.             Is it the same as the Min Min lights of the aborigines?

The Min Min lights were reported in the outback by old-timers and Aborigines, along with  60ft snakes and 10m crocodiles. They were blue lights reported to be about 12" round. They would come to the door or sit under the door step or be seen in the trees.
They were insects really, like the glow-worms and fireflys. Insects are of the fire element so are already to an extent in the realm of angels.

Q.            Are some 'colours' fairies?

These are the fairy lights. They are smaller than the angel lights, and move quicker. If you see them you may be in the forest, and you may have the Gift. Your special gift will be nearby. Look for your gift.

You may see the colour externally or you may see it internally, as in a visualisation.

Q.             What is the difference?

There is no difference. It is just the inner world and the outer world. You see with the same sense. It just looks outwards, as in normal seeing, or looks inwards as in a dream.

Q.             Does a specific colour relate to a specific angel? E.g. is the pink angel always Raphael?

Not necessarily. You must be careful here. The colour is like their clothes, and just as you and I change clothes, so angels may change colour. When you see the colour, and feel it may be an angel, ask them their name or for a message. The colour is only a sign, a sign of angels. As with people you learn to recognise them through familiarity, by the feelings that come with them. It is sometimes hard to tell one bird from another, but you can learn to notice each one's individual quirks.


Q.            Why do some people see their faces and others don't?

I have never seen their faces. My friend Ella is an artist. She draws the angels and the face is always the most significant. There is detail there. To another the angels face will be drawn very differently. This shows our differences in perception. Each of us has a unique perceptual ability, unique to us. Our expression of that perception is also unique to us. It is our unique gift. Our gift to everyone. We can put all the 'different' ways together, and then we can get the 'big' picture. Angels are many-faceted and can appear in many forms. They come out of one source, yet appear as many. They are one and many at the same time. We as human beings have only one form, and it does not change that much.

Daniella is Italian. In Daniella's reading she said she could see an eye, a brown eye right in front of her face. 'He is looking at me.' She was not intimidated. The angel’s face was right in front of her face. After a while she said she felt glad and serene.

I tend to envision the angels' faces. It is not a vision. You may call it active imagination. I will see my angel's form as angular lines of light. This is Raphael. He belongs to the Seraphim, an order of angels. They all have angular forms. Another group are the Cherubim such as Gabriel. I will view them with very rounded forms and different 'other' qualities.
These are the two main orders and we will hear more about these later when we speak of the angels’ interaction with the Earth.

 As light (colour) gets denser, the forms fall out.

The Seraphim lend their form to the more angular, airy beings such as trees and plants whereas the Cherubim lend their forms to the more rounded earthy beings such as rocks.

Q.              Sometimes in my visualisations (internal) I see colour but I also see darkness. What shall I do?

This may also happen in dreams. Where there is darkness visualise sending a colour to it. Choose a colour, say pink. See how the darkness changes. Then continue sending colours till there is no darkness. There is now light. The angel will appear.

Q.            I see movements in the light. What is it?

Tell me what it looks like.
(she gestures with her hands) -- The angel is dancing.

Q.              I see a star. What is it?

That is the angel. Watch.
The light is shining down into my heart. It is melting out the hard dark place where I had shut down. My heart is opening. Interestingly I also have a heart shape on my palm and last week it had a callous.

Q.             What is your best angel experience?

The angels around a baby as she is breathing are so beautiful. As the breath comes and goes the little angels move in a circle round her heart, and the little murmurs she makes are her happiness.


Sometimes we have to journey to see the angel. The journey may be external as in the story 'The Valkyries' by Paulo Coelho, or it may be an inner journey.

The bikie and the wings
My Leo friend turned up on a big motor bike. He was a hulk with a crew-cut. He wanted to find out about his angel. I scratched my head. He had on a t-shirt. It said 'Dances with Wolves'.
First he asked if angels had wings. I said yes. Then he asked if they flew. I was honest. I said I hadn’t seen any flying. At least, not flapping their wings.

We did an angel process. He said he didn't see an angel. For a moment I wondered if he was a bit dense.' Well what do you see?' He said after a while, 'I can see a wolf standing there. Now he's going off.' 'Follow him' I said. And he was led on a journey through a forest where a bank of purple and white clouds came down around him in a mist. Then he met the angel.

 Often we meet our totem animal before we meet our angel.

This was a good resolution. But it was very tiring for me. I noticed as I lay down I could see the Olympic Stadium (Sydney). I had such a beautiful experience next, like my spirit was out in the clouds. The feeling was spaciousness. Afterwards the lady of the house said 'I didn't want to wake you but a huge angel's wing appeared in the clouds above the Stadium.'

This was the beginning of my work with an angel called Auralia. We created a protective dome for the Olympics (2000). These Games were described in the London Times as enchanted.

Each way of seeing is valid. Our way is valid for us. It is our experience. We must honour it. It is what we have to work with. There is no competition in the angel world. We are all winners. We are alive on Earth now.

In honouring our own experience, we can honour our contribution, and we can easily go on to honour others their experience, however different or the same it may be. This is the
Aquarian way. This leads to soul consciousness and soul resonance.            


Angels may appear in the clouds to some people. I myself am renowned for this.

Story of pink and green in clouds
I met a lady, Kylie. She was a professional pianist.  She wanted to do her angel process immediately. She told me that the previous weekend, she had been travelling in the mountains, and she saw that half the sky had been pink and the other half green. I remembered that I had worked with Raphael on 'the angel’s memory’, whose colours were pink and green. Except that I had been 600 kms away. I wondered if there was a connection. Later she sent me a card saying how she was at the same place and watched the clouds forming into her angel signature (I use these in the angel process). It made a small change and there was the angel. But only she could see it. All the cars were driving past completely oblivious to the miracle that was taking place in the sky.

Story of Sue the journalist
Sue told me this. She was at a high place and was watching the sunrise come up behind a mountain. All these beautiful angels were appearing in the clouds. It went on and on. It was so spectacular she decided to call her mother who was 900 kms away. Her mother answered the phone and while speaking to her, her mother took her last breath. She had been waiting to talk to her daughter and the angels had been sending her messages.

Story of Margaret and the Owls
I had just met Margaret. As we drove along we saw a disc shaped rainbow. She was amazed she had never seen one before. I had seen several this year but not before that. They come with a certain angel. I said what shape is the cloud. It was a huge owl, covering half the sky. Later the cloud tried to form into a human body, feathers to bones etc. She said ‘That night two owls appeared on her verandah. She spent two hours face to face with one. Later a third owl appeared. They came every night after that till I went on a holiday. Life has been very exciting since.’

Host of angels
 R. had a dream in which a large mushroom shaped cloud appeared with many banks all swirling down. As she looked each bank separated out into a host of angels. What a sight!


Raphael’s wings
When I first saw Raphael he had his wings wrapped around him, just stood in the corner. I did not know it was an angel. It was there and that was that. Later I saw his wings open and outstretch. There were 6 wings, and they were coloured pearly, opalescent, pink and white, about 12 feet long. I saw them just the once, and to this day I do not know why he revealed them to me at that place and at that time and in that company, but I never forget any of it.

I have not seen them flap like birds flap to move from place to place. Though doves when they fly remind me of angels, as does the coo they make. And I'm sure many birds when they fly are moved or inspired by angels. In Greek times predicting the future by studying the flight of birds was an artform.


Rarely do angels appear in my dreams as forms. They may appear as a dream and you may feel you are in a dream when the angel is around. This is called an altered state.

Angels rule over dreams.

Raphael said 'We have parts of ourself that we don't know exist. These are called fragments.' For example, a part of us that may live in the fairy world. Dreams are the evolution, the growing of the fragments and an angel is looking after them.

Q.             Explain how dreams are ruled by angels?

Let's look at trees. A seed forms a tree. From one small beginning something large can grow. Even a forest. But first that seed must break open and send forth shoots. This urge to manifest is activated and nurtured by an angel. This is an intelligence. There is responsive intelligence operating here. It springs into life even in an instant, but the time and conditions must be right. This timing part of the process is ruled over by the archai, the Timelords.
   A dream is such a seed. The 'aha' when the dream is understood is the sprouting of the seed. The angel is the one who brings the seed (dream) to awareness and the Time lord determines, 'it’s time folks'.
It is like the angel is the starter of the dreams. The angel touches you, and off you go on a journey, and as you go it gets clearer, and then you get to your destination, awakening.

This is why you can have a dream, and have an awareness of the dream at the same time. This is the origin of the second attention. Here is the gate to Angel Consciousness. The third attention derives from the Christ, who is Lord over the Angels. Here is the gate to Christ Consciousness. This is not quite the same as the Jesus Christ of the Bible. There are rules and there are laws, but that is a different subject.

Q. Does an angel dream?

 In his dream he dances, he weaves the light and creates beauty and joy.

My story of the angel at the end of the bed
I woke one night to find the angel at the foot of the bed. I knew I wasn't dreaming. He lay down in the same place as me, and started breathing in sync with me. It was very peaceful; gentle, soft and rhythmical.  I had the deepest sense of being one with my angel. From then on, whenever I had that feeling I knew my angel was around, and it made me feel secure and loved.
'My angel never intrudes or scares me. Since he first appeared my life has completely changed because I know someone is always there, taking care of me. In the beginning the angel would only speak one word, now we talk clearly.
Angels are keen to meet humans. They are very thankful when I introduce people to their angels. Everybody has an angel, and they are there to help. It is beautiful work.
'Most important in meeting your angel is a real wish to do so: curiosity is not enough. When you go to bed, ask your angel to come in dreams to look after you through the night. Ask for a message how to contact them.


Story of the Aboriginal Incarnation of Raphael
I was in my bath. Two Aboriginal Spirit guides appeared. One said 'My name is Black Cockatoo'. I knew immediately he was the Aboriginal incarnation of my angel Raphael.  I did not know if he was also a real living person somewhere in the outback. The other seemed to have a more gentle presence but more authority. He did not speak. My sense was he had Christ consciousness. Black Cockatoo said to me 'there are 144 elements and 144 energies'. He then proceeded to name them in an Aboriginal language. I lost track quickly.

This formed the foundation stone of my learning in the Angel Tradition.


Some people experience their angels in the outside world. This is called angel intervention.

Story of Pam and her Angel
I was 18 years of age. I was walking home in the rain, crying and lonely wondering where  'Mr Wonderful' was enjoying his evening. It was dark streets, tree-lined, isolated. Suddenly out of nowhere someone who reminded me of the angel in the movie 'Heaven can Wait' appeared. I was soaked. This angel offered me help. He put his arm around me and there was a dry pocket suddenly as we walked where no rain was falling, like a big imaginary umbrella.
He walked me home, although there was suddenly no heaviness or weight in my walking. He opened my door for me in my boarding house without a key. He tucked me into bed and 'was gone' and the door was shut.

For this kind of people, healing can be immediate and nothing short of miraculous.

Story of a lady with a tumour
This appeared in TIME magazine.
A woman with uterine cancer is visited by a tall dark stranger, with deep blue eyes, three days before she is to enter the hospital for surgery. The stranger states: I am Thomas. I am sent by God. He proceeds to raise his right hand, and the incredible heat coming from his hand, and a strong white light passing over her body, convinces the woman she is cured of the cancer. In fact test results to cancer prove negative, prompting her doctor to acknowledge he had witnessed a medical miracle.

For them illness can be drastic. The presence of the angel is so strong. It takes a lot of denial by the person for illness to be created. This pushes a lot of energy into the illness. But the healing is sweet.

Q.             Why do some people only see colours, and some see and meet solid forms?

Continuing the  story of Pam and her Angel
As a child there was an angel? or spirit guide? who was my 'best friend'. I called this being 'Gumby'. I remember (so does mum) when that being moved out of my life. One day after a trip to the library. I was about four, with a younger sister. When we got off the bus Gumby didn't. I panicked as I told mum to stop the bus. Gumby was still on it. I never saw Gumby again.

(author) If she would go back further till before she was even born, in the womb there is the placenta. This nurtures and protects us. I imagine it to be like a teddy bear. It serves the same functions as her angel. It is our first closest 'other'. It is close to us physically but it is not us. Our bonding to this 'other' and the degree of dissolution of that bonding after birth, translates into the solidness and lightness of our angel experience.


Story from past life regressions
The first time I saw my angel I did not know it was an angel. I was exploring some past/other lives.  A being would appear in the corner standing like a statue from Greek times, maybe sleeping. It was a few years till I realised it had been my angel Raphael standing with his wings folded around himself.

Q.            Can an angel be in rock?

 I know where there is an eagle in the rock. Why not an angel?
 I have heard there are statues of Ganesh (elephant god) in India drinking milk. Something is happening!?

Q.             Are there any angel fossils?

Be open to the possibility. If you find one, come and show me. You may wish to look in quartz as quartz is like solidified light. Often you will find rainbows inside quartz crystals and fracture lines, which look like angels

Story of the three feet
V. was walking on the beach. She began following footsteps in the sand, when she spotted a tiny shell in the shape of a foot. She thought it might have been an angel’s foot. Her altered state had led her here. This signified her angel-dom, the coming of her angel wisdom; angel knowledge. Later she draw a picture of a red foot. She had come into her foot with passion.
The bringing into existence of the angel body (of knowledge) is called angel incarnation. It involves three stages of manifestation. The imprints of feet in the sand was the first stage. The finding of the foot shaped shell was the second stage. The drawing of the foot arose after the third stage. The manifestation is, a coming down into the body, so the feet especially the sole(soul) involves the full touching down to earth. The manifestation is complete. Here is the Law of Three.

Q.             Do angels die?

According to the Tradition angels are immortal, they never die, but they do grow, they are learning and evolving. They learn from all of us. They have a job to do.
An angel now is not the same as an angel of 100 years ago. You would change in 100 years or 2000 years. I'm sure they can learn at least as fast as us.

Q.             What of the angel hierarchy?

There may have been an angel hierarchy 100 years ago but there is none now. They are all equal. The Light is One. They serve different roles but they are all beloved equally. There is structure in the Oneness, but it changes. We need to be aware of our livingness to respond to the changes in this Living Structure. That is why it is called Living Light.

Q.            Are there new angels?

There are angels who have operated on Earth and gone. You may find some relics of these. Civilizations have come and gone and new ones will develop. New angels are coming to Earth at this time of latent change. They are bringing us into the Golden Age. Look out for them. Be ready.

Q.            Are aliens angels?

Story of Grey and Faerie
I stayed at my friend’s house. She runs an alien abduction support group. It was Halloween. Precisely at midnight (when all the gates are supposed to be open into Faerie) I woke up. A 'Grey?' was there except he had lots of colour. He said 'This is a secret alien base. Where there are doors there are no doors and where there are no doors there are doors.  I got up to go to the toilet. Opened a door and I was in the food cupboard. Then I walked under an arch, no door !  I started laughing. This being was very playful blowing bubbles of colour. He showed me how they had made fairy rings and rock formations such as in Carnac, France to remind them of their home planet, which he then showed me.


Q.             I read a book that describes Raphael appearing from a spaceship. It was in Italy. How do you explain this?

The angel is appearing here in a way that resonates with our technological mind and our impulse towards space exploration. What are we really looking for out there? Diamonds? Pearls? They are to be found in the inner space and that is where we can look for ourselves. Both ways work.

No matter how you study the universe there comes a measure of awe, and an understanding of what is living becomes the goal. We shall soon die but the universe goes on and on.
That is not to deny the impulse towards discovery. Discovery has always been a great impetus towards change, and a source of joy.

Q.             So is out there the same as in here?

The sun that you see out there is the same sun that you may see within yourself. There is warmth coming from out there. There is warmth coming from within you. As you open up to that, the love begins to flow, or flood as the case may be. The light is said to be brighter than a million suns, meaning there is no end to its brilliance.

When the sun comes up and it is the middle of the day (le soleil du jour), that is a great secret.

Q.             Where do the angels come from?

The Archangels and the Elohim are groupings of angels. They come out of what I call the Grand Central Sun. It is a Sun at the centre of the universe, whose gate is our Sun. It houses the Spirit of our Sun. You may call this place Heaven.
The Sun gives a signal when angels are leaving. These are called solar 'flares'.

This is why the Sun was worshipped by many cultures. This Sun within the Sun and the Son are one. This is another secret revealed. This is how western culture merged with earlier solar cultures in early Christian times.

Q.             Grace (5yrs) and Rose (3yrs) can see their angels but Emily (9) is disappointed because she cannot. What can I say to her?

Does she sing? (She sings like an angel.) That is how the angels are coming to her. Her sisters are visually oriented but she is sound or auditory oriented. Her sisters can give a visual expression. She can show them the angel’s presentation in song and be able to talk with them easily.

To see through the eyes of an angel!

Q.             What does an angel see?

To get a feel for seeing through the eyes of an angel, try to imagine what an owl would see or an eagle. Look through the eyes of an owl. Look through the eyes of an eagle. See their worlds. Dream with them. This is owl dreaming and eagle dreaming.

owl dreaming.

owl dreaming.
eagle dreaming

eagle dreaming

Try to imagine what you would look like through the eyes of an angel.

End of chapter

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