Chapter 5 Angels in Movement


In the beginning, the Word and God were with each other. There was silence and peace. The Word made its first movement.
Like a drop to a still pond, there were ripples in the light. (This is the ripple effect) This was the first angel. The sound was celestial.
This was the first day.
It moved again. This was the second angel. Seven times it moved
and the universe and all things were created. And the days became weeks, and the weeks became months, and the months became years.
Cycles were established.

Creative visualization: Visualize the ripple effect on the pond being three dimensional, a snowball effect. If many dimensional it would create a cascade effect. Imagine the sound it would make.

Angels and movement are one. If you did not move you would turn to stone. But even stone moves. In all of us there are all angels. Life, breathing and movement are all going together. There is constant movement. In the centre of the storm there is potential for stillness. That is Peace.

There is outer movement and there is inner movement.

In a dream you are moving. First this way, then that. Awake, you are moving, do this, do that.

In a coma one cannot move physically. The Will is not in the body. It is sleeping.

You, cannot recall your dreams. Your Will is not in your dream-body. It is sleeping.

You do not know your angel. Your Will is not in your angel-body. It is asleep.

In fairy tales it is a kiss or touch that awakens the Sleeping Beauty. Then you can move. The potential to move was always there. Knowing how to move was always there. It is innate. It was a gift to you.

In us are all movements.

Story of me walking at Jasmine Retreat
I was walking on a gravel road alongside the river. I felt good. I began to get into movement as I walked. What came out of me were many different styles, especially awkward styles, styles of those who are physically challenged in some way. A little bit of a spasm here, a bit of spasticity there. It was good to do. I realized that all of these potentials were inside of me and had gifts to contribute to me. I was expanding beyond my normal boundaries and beginning to incorporate through movement parts of myself, even parts of my DNA that I had previously not identified with.

And all forms are inside of us1. We have that memory from the Beginning,- as much as we are still connected to that Beginning.

Story of the leaf patterns
I was searching in the field for a particular plant, trying to identify leaf patterns through a book. I had a vision of all the possible leaf shapes flashing before my eyes and how they changed from one to the next. There was an order but the changes were not continuous, they were quantum. Each plant is distinctly different to the next plant. Here was the beginnings of plant identification and classification. It is already in my data banks. The question is how to access it at Will.

1 Notice the connection between forms and movements, as elements and energies. The forms correspond to the elements and the movements correspond to the energies. We will always be returning to this, and the 144. Here is the basis again.

Each angel, when it moved the light, created a signature pattern, unique to that angel. The movement (signature) is the angel. Doing this movement (signature), is how we can access the angel again. This is, ‘calling in the angel’.

This is how I began.

My story about using signatures

I had been doing these simple drawings with lines of colour. I knew they were something important, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I was looking at one, and began drawing it in the air. I said, as I drew ‘That looks like a pyramid, that looks like a sphinx, that looks like a little baby’s basket coming down three times.’ Immediately I felt the angel Raphael come into me. I don’t know how I knew it was Raphael. I just knew. Then I began to move. Ever so gently I was being moved and the sensation was exquisite. Raphael was dancing me. I was being carried in the dance. When it was completed he was gone. That is how I discovered the power in signatures. I called these angel signatures, and I can do them for any angel, for any person and they always work.


Sound is movement, vibration. Especially when we are singing we can feel the vibration in our throat and body. When you sing with pure intent and a purity of heart, then this can lead to that original first vibration that is the angel’s. The angel will sing through you.

I was singing, then I heard this beautiful sound. I looked around to see where it was coming from. Then I realized it was coming from me, yet I had no sense that it was me singing. It left an impression of healing and peace in my soul and breath.

This becomes the beautiful harmonies that choral groups aim for when they sing the Hallelujah chorus. As the different sounds play over each other it sounds like choirs of angels singing, and it is.

When the angel first comes to you it may move in you very gently and time seems to stand still. Or the angel may lead you to dance.

Story of Aboriginal lady
Sophie was a young aboriginal lady. We went to the old fig tree to do her angel dance. In her dance she was standing, just gently swaying like a tree in the breeze. Except she didn’t stop. I sat there fidgeting as a half hour went past then an hour. I was very uncomfortable but she just stood there. I didn’t know what was happening with her but I thought she would complete soon. After two long hours she finished. I said ‘How long do you think that was.’ She said’ About 15 minutes’. Time had stood still for her. As well, being Aboriginal she had a different sense of time to me, a white person. (Aborigines are strongly connected to the Timeless Land, Old Australia.) After that I always put a time limit for the dance and the angel always completes in that time. It doesn’t need time to get its work done, it needs clear intention.

To do the angel’s dance is a wonderful gift.

The angel is moving and dancing in the Light. When you feel your hands are moving and you are not doing it and the hands are light and tingly from the angel’s energy, that is amazing. There is no external music, yet there is rhythm and that rhythm is bliss.

Jango’s story
I was out walking down the lane one night. It was dark, no cars. I met a young boy who was also out walking. He asked me what I was doing. I said that I was looking at the colours. He said ‘What colours?’ I saw him a few weeks later. He was excited ‘cause he could see the colours. He couldn’t see them until someone told him they were there, then they were obvious. He was eight years old then. When he was sixteen, I saw him again. By this time he was nearly six foot high and ungainly in his big body. He said he went to see an eye specialist ‘cause he was having some visual things happening that he thought may have been an eye problem. I suggested he do his angel’s dance. He began slowly lumbering around in his body, very awkward. I encouraged him to move. By fifteen minutes he was jumping around and the floor was moving up and down with the weight. I suggested he start to sing and this little boy’s voice came out. I encouraged him to sing a bit louder, and louder and as he did to my astonishment his voice started getting deeper and deeper. I remember saying ‘Try to blast the walls down with your voice.’ And then he burst into opera. It was a rich tenor’s voice. It was so moving. All the emotions and passions were pouring out of him and it went on and on. I felt graced to be in such a presence. I felt he would be a great opera singer. When he completed he told me he had been having many, beautiful visions also. He said’ I did not know I could do that.’

This dance was his initiation. His initiation from boyhood to manhood. A maturation had occurred.
It doesn’t have to be a dance as such, but a spontaneous outpouring of creative energy.

Brian’s story
When it came Brian’s turn he said ‘I won’t do a dance but I will express my angel’s dance on the piano.’ He proceeded to create this beautiful piece of music. It was ‘Gabriel’s dance’. Later he put the words to it.


We have many aspects and they can be matured and evolved using the angel’s dance.

A child at play is growing. Question! What is the sound of a child growing?

When a child is given the chance to play, then it is a dance, it is joy! Life is unfolding. Discovery is taking place. Some parts of us as adults are still children. They are still stuck back there. The angel’s dance can evolve them and bring them through to maturity. Our gifts are returned to us. We have lost them, longed for them. Now they are ours. It is a play.

Sometimes a person is trained to do this evolving and can do it for you. In a native culture it might be called a shaman and use various aids such as bells and gongs to make a show. They are secondarily entertainers. We shall call them Angel Therapists.

Each angel aspect has a theme, a story that goes with it. As the dance unfolds, the story unfolds. A good storyteller is also a shaman. They can also unfold your stories.

The angel dance may also be formalized by some systems such as tai chi, which is the sum total of all movements the baby in the womb can make, or like Eurythmy where the sounds are stylized into movement. The movement reflects the sounds of a verse for example. Yet behind both, the angel is attuning and inviting you to join with it.

The Will is being trained.

Story of girls and Kalang Hall
There was a time when I didn’t know if any one other than myself could do the angel’s dance from the angel signatures. This is a spontaneous dance. There was no external music involved. I would practise at my local hall exploring the technique making sure it was safe. One day I went there to practise. Some young girls were there practising their play. To share the space I said ‘I will show you my dance if you show me yours afterwards.’ I did an angel’s dance. They formed a huddle and then said ’We are not showing you ours but can we do some of yours?’ Then for three solid hours they did angels’ dances complete with artwork, poems and angel stories. One girl worked with the same angel and each time she did it she elaborated it more. In the end I was worn out but they were so excited they did not want to stop. Their mother was less forthright, she went outside and did hers. This was a big breakthrough for me. I knew then the angel’s dance was not just for me and that others could even do it better. Each person’s special gift would manifest.

The danger is that the angel can be forgotten and the healing will be lost. The first time is always the best, though as with some songs they can be enjoyed over and over again and the enjoyment is ever more and more. It is in the creation of the dance or the song where the angel energy manifests.

There is an inner call to movement. It is creative imagination. It is different to fantasy and it is different to daydreaming.
When a choreographer creates a dance, she must have some picture of what she wants to convey. This is like inner television. A clairvoyant uses it to read through a person’s life. Rudolph Steiner used to ‘read‘ the history of the Earth. A therapist may use it to look into the Akashic Records of your past. You can use it to change your life.

Why change?
An angel dances through your life touching and healing you as a butterfly touches flowers. You are heading towards completion. There are words left unsaid. There are deeds left undone. There are dreams left unfulfilled. This must be done now, before you die. There is no second chance. Heaven is waiting on Earth.

Do angels watch TV?
Watching the external TV will suppress the desire to nurture the inner sense of motion picture. The impressions of TV are intense and many, and the young developing spirit has a lot on its plate just in that. Live performances are more suitable as all the different bodies are more harmonious with each other and the angel can be seen guiding the show.

Story of angel watching TV through my eyes.
After I watched TV I would have some very strange flashbacks sometimes. I decided this was Raphael’s memory of the show and I saw how confused it was. I then tried to imagine what TV would appear like to say an alien, someone who had just come to Earth. The illusion of it all would not grok. One day I sat in front of the TV and tried to explain it to him as I watched with angel eyes. We didn’t last long but I think he gets the general idea now.

When you ask the angel what to do, what does he say?
He usually says ‘walk’ or sometimes ‘work’. These are keywords ‘Walk’ means to go walking, left right, left right or any other activity which involves crossing over left to right, right to left. This balances the left and right brain and continues me on my inner spirit journey of personal unfoldment. He says it so often. I say “Aw, not again!”

‘Work’ means doing figure 8’s. Doing the infinity sign is for clearing the inherited body of blockages that come at conception. The left side is the female side. The right side is the male side and the crossover point is the point of conception, and the sign of creative forces including kundalini. Sometimes sweeping the floor or raking the leaves is an angel work activity. This is often used with children who have learning difficulties. I also use it a lot to tap into my creativity. I will be repeating this because of its importance.

The infinity sign was used by the Celts in their art work.

Q.    I had trouble to be spontaneous in the angel’s dance?
The Will is already occupied doing something else perhaps holding on to painful memories. When the Will is free the angel can occupy you, and also leave. It can come and go at Will, your will.

Sequoia does her angel dance.

Sequoia does her goddess initiation dance beginning with her angel signature,

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